Hey guys this is mg Srinivas film maker from Bangalore, INDIA..
I am in search of a screenwriter who can Co write with me for my next feature.. Which is a Action thriller.. Lemme know if anyone is interested.. U can connect on mgcinemas@gmail.com
Thank you
Mg, feel free to check my writing samples here. U like what you read, get in touch, we can talk conditions, rates, etc...Take care!
Mg - On my profile page I have a script, "Your American Cousin" which is written for an Indian audience.
Hi @MG Is it light or heavy duty action? EG Simple car chase, specific type of fighting/combat, knives, guns, parachuting, aircraft, missiles, intergalactic spacecraft etc. I don’t usually do action but co wrote for a specific romantic sub plot requiring intense characterization. Action instantly bumps up budget, another reason I rarely use it in low budget screenplays. Your idea sounds interesting.
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Richard, check Mg out, he's laughing his socks off right now. That's why the "Sure", without even bothering to use a period; he's a produced Writer/Actor/Director/Producer, who is stepping up his game, with or without us. He doesn't want to bring Bollywood to Hollywood. Hey, he doesn't even want to bring Hollywood to Bollywood. Why should he? He just wants to make a kickass action thriller. And somehow I feel he's aiming at an 'international' action thriller with a female lead (if I don't live in an alternative world), which, yes, means he's looking for some international production partners, but with his network, this just could play out fine. without me, because right now I'm fishing in the same pond, but Mg-- good luck, and stay cool :)
Hi Debbie it's more of heist action thriller with more mind games with fighting/combating.. We can discuss more over a mail.. @
Thank you rutger.. U too stay safe..
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This was my previous films trailer.. Do watch it n lemme knw Wat u guys think.. Also do watch the full film on Amazon prime.. Thnk u all
I enjoyed the trailer (interesting cinematography style), and have sent you an email.