James - You have no experience and no skin in the game, but expect others to finance your film for you? Dream on, my friend. Our process in film? Pretty simple. You make a hit film, you do well financially. You make a lousy one, you pay the price and go broke.
Hi James. I would say First...get a solid script...take said script, go shoot and get a solid product in the can and THEN reach out. I have ben talking to a number of film makers who have finished films. The films that are more polished stand a greater chance on getting a good deal. There are a LOT of avenues for distribution now too. This is not something to over think. If the film is solid....YES...getting the distribution deal is a VERY strong possibility. They are looking. My take in this dance and it's turning out to be harder than I thought it would...is to just find solid films. The process is very basic.. finding some decent films. Believe it or not...is the hard part. Most of the of screeners I have looked at are pretty bad. Everything from sound issues...to lighting problems...bad acting...poor VFX...and folks are letting these things fly calling it producing. I cannot bring that type of material in. The professionals I'm working with...only want to see really strong films. They will want to see your pitch deck / screener and will let you know right away. Then it's up to you to decide if you want to roll with the deals they offer you. I hope that helps.
James, one thing you cannot do in this business is base YOUR results on what someone else is doing. Your deal will be based on YOUR FILM / HOW GOOD IS IT...ATTACHMENTS...WHO you are dealing with and WHO they are interfacing you with. Yes there are a LOT of companies who why try and low ball you...which is why I said you have to GET the solid product first! When they start ;looking at your screener and if its solid...something they can move...the offers will be put on the table. The task THEN is to try and keep shopping till you get the best offer. As far as having an idea what your film will sell for AHEAD of time? From what I gather you are just get started. THEY will also know this when they do their due diligence...check your imdb page and see you have not sold anything before. Yes folks check you out. NO one can tell you what you are asking for until they SEE your film. Every deal is different. Thats like trying to sell a car without letting the potential buyer test drive it. After you have build a solid relationship with some distributors..You may be in position to have THAT kind of clout. All roads may head in the DIRECTION of Rome...but to get inside and get the goods...that takes finessing. Best of luck !!!!
We have a completed film shot in the Enugu region of Nigeria with several leading Nigerian actors. Looking for a distributor. Find out more about the film at katakatamovie.com. If interested please let me know.
Hi Brian, I just posted about Vuulr. We're the world’s biggest online, B2B Content rights marketplace enabling distributors like you to reach many more buyers, across the world, all year round, to make more money, in order to make/acquire more great content!
Check out vuulr.com, register & list if you're happy... it's free, no catch. And check out our very fair commission-on-success, non-exclusive terms.
Hi Brian, my TV Pilot for the 1/2 hour dramedy MY LIFE AS A DOORMAT is winning awards on the film festival circuit. Also have a platform on FB connected with the series: The Society for Recovering Doormats. Getting 1M + views weekly. My series comes with a built in audience. Currently looking to connect with streaming services, or networks. No attachments to date. I have a kick ass pitch deck, and am ready to distribute to the right place. www.mylifeasadoormattheseries.com
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Hello! I'd love to talk. You can message me through Stage 32 or you can email me at brandonscottkeeton@gmail.com
James - You have no experience and no skin in the game, but expect others to finance your film for you? Dream on, my friend. Our process in film? Pretty simple. You make a hit film, you do well financially. You make a lousy one, you pay the price and go broke.
Hi James. I would say First...get a solid script...take said script, go shoot and get a solid product in the can and THEN reach out. I have ben talking to a number of film makers who have finished films. The films that are more polished stand a greater chance on getting a good deal. There are a LOT of avenues for distribution now too. This is not something to over think. If the film is solid....YES...getting the distribution deal is a VERY strong possibility. They are looking. My take in this dance and it's turning out to be harder than I thought it would...is to just find solid films. The process is very basic.. finding some decent films. Believe it or not...is the hard part. Most of the of screeners I have looked at are pretty bad. Everything from sound issues...to lighting problems...bad acting...poor VFX...and folks are letting these things fly calling it producing. I cannot bring that type of material in. The professionals I'm working with...only want to see really strong films. They will want to see your pitch deck / screener and will let you know right away. Then it's up to you to decide if you want to roll with the deals they offer you. I hope that helps.
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James, one thing you cannot do in this business is base YOUR results on what someone else is doing. Your deal will be based on YOUR FILM / HOW GOOD IS IT...ATTACHMENTS...WHO you are dealing with and WHO they are interfacing you with. Yes there are a LOT of companies who why try and low ball you...which is why I said you have to GET the solid product first! When they start ;looking at your screener and if its solid...something they can move...the offers will be put on the table. The task THEN is to try and keep shopping till you get the best offer. As far as having an idea what your film will sell for AHEAD of time? From what I gather you are just get started. THEY will also know this when they do their due diligence...check your imdb page and see you have not sold anything before. Yes folks check you out. NO one can tell you what you are asking for until they SEE your film. Every deal is different. Thats like trying to sell a car without letting the potential buyer test drive it. After you have build a solid relationship with some distributors..You may be in position to have THAT kind of clout. All roads may head in the DIRECTION of Rome...but to get inside and get the goods...that takes finessing. Best of luck !!!!
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Hi Brian,
We have a completed film shot in the Enugu region of Nigeria with several leading Nigerian actors. Looking for a distributor. Find out more about the film at katakatamovie.com. If interested please let me know.
Hi Brian,
We found distribution for our film Katakata. It's premiering on AfroLand TV in 3 days (11/15/21).
Awesome Kevin!!!!!! Always good to hear mission accomplished!!!!!
Hi Brian. I'm an independent filmmaker with something that will fit your criteria. Take a look at my trailer. Thank You!
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Hi Brian, I just posted about Vuulr. We're the world’s biggest online, B2B Content rights marketplace enabling distributors like you to reach many more buyers, across the world, all year round, to make more money, in order to make/acquire more great content!
Check out vuulr.com, register & list if you're happy... it's free, no catch. And check out our very fair commission-on-success, non-exclusive terms.
I hope we can put Vuulr to work for you.
Cheers/Ben, COO
Hi Brian, my TV Pilot for the 1/2 hour dramedy MY LIFE AS A DOORMAT is winning awards on the film festival circuit. Also have a platform on FB connected with the series: The Society for Recovering Doormats. Getting 1M + views weekly. My series comes with a built in audience. Currently looking to connect with streaming services, or networks. No attachments to date. I have a kick ass pitch deck, and am ready to distribute to the right place. www.mylifeasadoormattheseries.com