First off I apologize if this is in the wrong forum. I've scheduled my first pitch. I'm excited and nervous. I've never done something like this, but I realize an opportunity isn't going to just fall out of the sky for me. I have to make it happen. So that being said what exactly can I expect? Anyone have any do's or don'ts? Its a written pitch rather then a video pitch. One thing that does worry me is how do I know my idea is secure and won't be poached? That's been the one thing that has held me back from making any moves prior. Thanks for the advice.
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Relax and enjoy it. Keep in mind you're in an environment where they want to hear about your project. They want you to have something big for them. Think positive.
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If you really, really worry about your idea being poached, you can register your script at WGA with an inexpensive fee. But keep in mind that you’re quite delusional thinking people will love your idea so much that they will steal it instead of optioning from you.
There are billions if not many millions scripts and ideas flying around in the world. No one cares about other people’s ideas enough to spend time writing it up exactly like the other.
And your ability to write well enough, coherent enough with a great structure and theme and get people interested to read through finish is something nobody can steal from you. So relax and pitch with passion.
Good luck!
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do it for practice, education, feedback.
dont make this a "sell or bust" portal.
Alan, The Stage32 Happy Writers Pitching Template is a good resource and formatting tool. The Executive your pitching will want to see the story; the character arc, their want, what is the obstacles and how they deal with it, ie the transformation.
I also worry about getting my story ripped off but I do not use the WGA, I Copywrite my work before I send it. I would have to pay a lawyer to go after the thief but, lawyers have many levers to not only get money but to also publicly embarrass the thief.
Good luck!
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Ideas can't be copyrighted, I'm afraid. But it is very rare they steal something from a pitch session because they don't want to do the work and need someone to write it, so it is easiest to go with the person that had the idea. Plus they would get a bad reputation for stealing an idea in a pitch session and it would be hard for them to get meetings in the future. My advice is to remember you are pitching the idea at this point and not the script itself. Your first job is to make them want to read the script. Keep it high-concept, major arcs, talk in terms of the tent-pole scenes and get it down to a 10 to 15-minute synopsis and then let them ask questions. Practice the pitch on a friend and let them ask questions.
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I've done three pitch sessions and they all asked me "Who do you see staring in this?" Which caught me off guard the first time I pitched. But I think they want a sense of which actors they could approach with the script. So have a few actors in mind when you go in, but don't make them part of the pitch unless they ask you.
Congratulations on submitting your first pitch. As it is a written one, you don't have to do anything once you upload the written pitch. You will receive a report from the Executive after they've read it with some feedback. This sometimes takes a few weeks. If you've already completed the script, this can be register with the WGA or copyright office. I don't believe a written pitch or synopsis can be copyrighted.
I appreciate all the feedback guys!
Pattana - I wouldn't say I'm delusional lol. I would think that would be a common fear as I'm guessing most everyone's pitch is an idea/topic that they've put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into. But, I do understand what you're saying.
Yep, it’s just a tease not really delusional. I know you know what I mean. Relax and good luck with your idea for the script.