Introduce Yourself : Greetings! by Allen R. Nelson

Allen R. Nelson


Hi. I’m Allen. It’s been a while since I’ve dropped by to post in a lounge. So much wanted to get back in here and meet every creative person around. It was fun back in 2018 when I first joined and actually talked. A lot has changed ever since. And I always tried to stay positive about things that I can do.

Here’s a curious thing: Have you ever realized that it’s always that one person, single individual that reads your post, comment, etc? When we start with something like "hello everyone" it feels like there’s an audience, a group of people. However writing isn’t anything like a live speech, and there’s still that one person reading individually. So maybe "Hello to you, and everybody else" would change that feeling towards something more direct, more familiar, friendly. It’s all about making that one person feel like you’re actually talking to them.

Enough of that. Like I said I’ve been here for a while and throughout my not-very-active membership on this website I’ve learned a lot of things around screenwriting and film development. Just recently been slowing down on screenwriting, but I’ve finally finished my first book and I’m ready to publish. Not to mention I’ve already started writing my second book!!

Feels good to be creative, am I right? And it really feels good to be back after a long time. I hope you have a great day and week ahead of you, all of you!

Andrew David Doyle

hello Allen

Taurai Du Plessis

Hey Allen, nice to e- meet. I left a note on your wall and left another writer referral to you. Her name is Raquel and you both have the same style of writing. Connect, connect.

Christian Nommay

Hi Allen! Nice to meet you.

Allen R. Nelson

Hello to you, Andrew, Wally, Daisy, Taurai, Christian! And thank you Wally. That’s everything I’m doing.

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