Ideas are like leaf litter they are everywhere and have no value. I love the post “I have a great idea. I just need a screenwriter to create the screenplay”.
People are going to hate me for saying this, but I think that if you have trouble writing the script, then you haven't defined your character sufficiently. In coming up with sample episodes for the new series I am pitching, I simply followed the main character, and asked "what matters the most to her?"
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Where's the photo of an 80 year old grandmother with the caption, "Finally selling your script".
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Fuck, ain't that the truth!
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2 people like this
Ideas are like leaf litter they are everywhere and have no value. I love the post “I have a great idea. I just need a screenwriter to create the screenplay”.
The girl on the right looks similar to Dakota Fanning when she was young.
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People are going to hate me for saying this, but I think that if you have trouble writing the script, then you haven't defined your character sufficiently. In coming up with sample episodes for the new series I am pitching, I simply followed the main character, and asked "what matters the most to her?"
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If you're crying with emotion because you've dug so deep during the process - kudos.
If you're crying because you hate the act of writing so much - fix that shit.