Balancing the networking aspect of this industry, while writing as much as you can, while ALSO maintaining a life and family takes some sheer determination. While I'm not posting or commenting or engaging as much as I'd like this past week, I still have the utmost respect and pride in each and every one of you. I'm still here, and hope your creative goals are being met.
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Same here! I have been less active in the last 2 weeks. Overwhelmed at work and in writing right now.
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James, I'm so glad you're still here on 32...wishing you all the VERY BEST!
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Thank you, Jim, very much appreciate that!!
Evelyne, it's a balance I'm still trying to discover about myself. I want to manage my time better, but unforeseen events tend to upset the plan. haha
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@James Yes it's ultimately about respect for ourselves and fellow artists. Unforseens and shit happens during our plan for the day but whatever we're here tomorrow. I feel Stage 32 is like hotel California in the way we connect and buzz. Log out anytime you like but you can never leave. Kudos!
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James Welday, yep, I think that finding our balance and keeping is a never ending work. ;)
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Quite easy to be in the loop actually...just find a leisure good paying side job and set your priorities by numbers on the writing side...
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Debbie, love this mentality! I’m so appreciative of a community that is focused on the same goal, yet is so willing to help each other.
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Evelyne, so very true. I feel I don’t want to let a single aspect of myself down. The balance is real! Haha
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Kiril, that job exists already. I use a spreadsheet to prioritize my ongoing projects between collaborators and my own WIPs. I’ve found that’s the only way to keep track of things, while not letting a single ball drop.
Thank you so much, Stephanie! I’ve tried to be here for each and every person here when I can. This community has been an inspiring group!
Wally, thank you! You're on a roll with your projects, I can't wait to see what the future holds for you!
Wonderful to meet you.
Pleasure to meet you, Todd, thank you!
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The grind never ends, right, James, hahaha. Thanks for voicing what we all feel, so we don't feel alone. The journey will always be interesting, but as we maneuver through the obstacles, we'll lose balance every now & then. However, if we stay focused and determined, as you do, we'll always be all right.
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It can definitely feel difficult to keep up, but I know as long as we keep trying, well, there's a lot to be said for that :)
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Kurt, you nailed it! Appreciate your kind words.
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Dawn, it truly feels like an uphill battle sometimes, but I know for a fact that the rewards will be rich and worthwhile.