So, back in the good ole days of the quarantine, I made a connection with a Netflix executive. I had asked them about opportunities to be a script reader for them and it took about six months (not exaggerating) to get a meeting. I turned in my sample coverage and waited another two months to get the “Thanks for playing” email. I felt like I blew it and am just now getting over the sting of it. My family insists I didn’t ruin the opportunity but it’s hard not to feel that way. I know eventually I’ll be running shows for Netflix, so it’s gonna be all right.
There’s many more failures I could post, but to anyone feeling discouraged, I’d say to keep going. Just because the odds aren’t (seemingly) in your favor now, it doesn’t mean they never will be. Your path is your own and comparing journeys only leads to needless suffering.
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Hey, Rhee Dolly! First, congrats on connecting with the Netflix exec! Yeah, the waiting game can be exhausting, and even worse when you wait all that time for a "thank you, but NO". :-/
But, I love that you're bouncing back and staying in the game! Are you doing script coverage or reading for contests elsewhere?
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I am so inspired by you Rhee Dolly! This line particularly spoke to me "Your path is your own and comparing journeys only leads to needless suffering" - I have BEEN there. I sincerely appreciate your honesty and optimistic spirt! Sent you a network request :)
Karen "Kay" Ross Yes! I just earned a badge for Austin Film Festival through reading and now I’m reading for Slamdance as well. Waiting to hear back from a couple of other festivals but I’m excited!
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Hi Rhee! Thanks for sharing this one. It's great to hear that you are getting experience as a reader through Austin Film Festival and Slamdance. I think that will end up being great experience for you in so many ways!