Hey guys! If you want to read a few scripts, The script Lab has a very nice database of screenplays (both movies and tv shows) for free. It's really cool. :) Enjoy! https://thescriptlab.com/screenplays/
Hey guys! If you want to read a few scripts, The script Lab has a very nice database of screenplays (both movies and tv shows) for free. It's really cool. :) Enjoy! https://thescriptlab.com/screenplays/
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This is great! My usual go-to is https://www.scriptslug.com/. Thank you for sharing!
1 person likes this
James Welday Oh, cool! Thanks! :D
2 people like this
Hi Evelyne, It's great! Thank you.
1 person likes this
My pleasure! :D
2 people like this
Script Lab is absolutely fantastic! Been using them for years.
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Thanks for being a sharer of info, Evelyne! Great website
2 people like this
Great post! Thank you for this one.