The Writer.( Psycho. Thriller. Family. Drama).
Just yesterday I completed this screenplay. This feature film is a very different story.
The story of a young lady writer. She creates a character. The character is trying to kill the writer. The writer is protecting herself, but she fails.
Hey, Muhammad Amin Rana Shekhani! Congrats on finishing your new screenplay! It kinda sounds like the reverse of Stranger Than Fiction, where the author has inadvertently written about a real person and she's notorious for killing her protagonist, so he has to find her to get her to stop writing her book so he can live. Clearly more uplifting than yours, but it's meant to be since yours is a thriller.
What's up next for your script? Do you need feedback or are you looking to start pitching it?
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Hi, Karen. Thank you very much for congratulating me. You are a very sweet and nice girl. Always be happy.
I want to sell this screenplay. If a suitable buyer is found. Can you help me with this?I will be happy.
Amin Rana, write more projects. Do not stop. Your work, your advertisement. The more history, the more chances that your work will be noticed and bought. Write every day.
Thank you so much for strengthening my spirits. You are a really nice person.
I have been writing for the last forty years. And I will continue to write. There is still a lot of work to be done. Time is short and competition is fierce. Starting work on a new screenplay. Talk to you soon and keep up the good content.
Thank you very much again.