My screenplay FORCED JOURNEY was just named Semi-Finalist in PAGE International Screenplay Competition. That means it's in top 200 out of over 9,000 entries. I'm pleased!!!
Keep climbing up! I was a quarter-finalist this year in a Page Turner First 15 competition, my first script, know what that means to your writing career, whether just beginning or very experienced like you.
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Super! Congratulations I think they are a great organization!
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Keep climbing up! I was a quarter-finalist this year in a Page Turner First 15 competition, my first script, know what that means to your writing career, whether just beginning or very experienced like you.
Congratulations, Rosemary!! You should be so proud!
Awesome news, congrats
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Now if I could just figure out how to parlay this placement (and others I've received) into getting an agent!!!! Any ideas??
Rosemary Zibart May I recommend the latest blog
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Yay congratulations
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Congratulations, Rosemary.
Excellent, congratulations!