Your Stage : New Trailer for The Box in the Basement by Mike Fox

Mike Fox

New Trailer for The Box in the Basement

New trailer for The Box in the Basement film feature!

Sebastian DiGirolomo

Trailer looks amazing and film looks like its gonna be interesting.

Mike Fox

Thank you, Sebastian! Trying to put all the scenes together and find some ways to get this distributed, shown, etc. =)

Maurice Vaughan

The trailer is great, Mike Fox! I'm interested in seeing the movie.

Mike Fox

Awesome. I'll definitely be sharing once it's together! \o/

Maurice Vaughan

Did you also write the film, Mike Fox?

Mike Fox

Hi, Maurice. Yes, created, written by, produced, post production, design, editing... (whew) lol

Dan MaxXx

i dont see a story in the trailer. Just random images.

I'd suggest to hire a pro colorist to go over entire feature. it looks too "video", imo

Mike Fox

Thanks for the suggestions, Dan.

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