Hey everyone! I thought I’d try a little experiment here to get some creative juices flowing. As we all know it is the current Hollywood trend to revitalise older properties for a modern audience- so this led me to think: “What properties would translate well into a transmedia format?” So just for fun let’s pick a film or television property that has not been given the transmedia treatment and envision what that could look like. Be as sacrilegious as you dare! “It’s a Wonderful Life: a graphic novel anthology” anything you dare dream up!
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How about Seinfeld as a video game? Ugh. Might be better as graphic novel?
What about The Island (2005 - a fave flick of mine with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson), it's a nice combo of sci-fi, thriller, adventure and social commentary, I think that could potentially be an interesting workable game property, definitely a cool graphic novel, perhaps even a TV series.
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Pulp Fiction. Jules preaching in a religious podcast. Interactive online game “Escape the Gimp”. Board game “Find the Watch.” The Vincent Vega backstory novel. Mr Wolf comic series.
Debbie Croysdale cool imaginative take! Love it!