Introduce Yourself : Collaboration and fellowship by Eve Austin

Eve Austin

Collaboration and fellowship

Hello Everyone at Stage 32;

Great to meet you here. I am a producer and SAG-AFTRA, AEA actress based in NY and local to many areas; LA, Miami, Atlanta, DC, Maryland and others.

Looking to meet like-minded artists in our industry for collaboration and mutual support.

Since 2020 I have won 21 Best actress awards for 4 films in the Film Festival Circuit.

About time after decades of work. Although I know this does not impress you ;), it provides validation to me that I am on the right track.

I am always looking to stretch, expand and open myself to all possibilities. Recently started producing for Different Duck films in LA creating features and content.

Currently I have 4 Films (2 Features, 2 Shorts) that I am in on

Amazon and most other VOD platforms.

Based in NY, I am a local LA , Atlanta, Miami hire, (fare and address)

Below my signature are my reel and tabs to IMDB, Website and

Social Media. Attaching resume.

I look forward to following and being of mutual service to you.


Eve ,,

Home | Eve Austin Actor
Home | Eve Austin Actor
Official website for NYC-based actress Eve Austin.
Eyiara Olugunna

Hi Eve, welcome to Stage 32! Congratulations on the 21 Best Actress Awards and your impressive resume of work so far!!

Randy Goodwin

Hello Eve! Congratulations on the wins and the validation. I look forward to seeing what you do with Different Duck. Rob is a friend of mine. Was a pleasure working with him, Jess, and Tim on Bobcat in July. Perhaps we will work together on a project in the future. Have a great night!

Anthony Cuffie

Hey Eve

Eve Austin

Hi Randy; Rob and I are good friends as well. Im on his next project A Sexual as well as various bits and pieces for BobCat and help him with First Frame Festival as well-- We are 2 peas in a pod. Bobcat looks fantastic- Have high hopes for it. Rob produced one of the shorts I am winning awards for. Just spent time with Jess, Rob and Tim in Vegas where I won best supporting in a new feature The Sisters Kardos (not directed or produced by Rob) Great to meet you.

Eve Austin

Migdalia- we can learn from each other!

Eve Austin

Hey Anthony

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Eve Austin. Congrats on the success. That's a lot of awards!

Eve Austin

Randy; Just spoke with Rob (which I do almost daily) He sang your praises to the skies. Told me re the RV's and how much he likes and trusts you. Small world. eh?

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