Hello Everyone at Stage 32;
Great to meet you here. I am a producer and SAG-AFTRA, AEA actress based in NY and local to many areas; LA, Miami, Atlanta, DC, Maryland and others.
Looking to meet like-minded artists in our industry for collaboration and mutual support.
Since 2020 I have won 21 Best actress awards for 4 films in the Film Festival Circuit.
About time after decades of work. Although I know this does not impress you ;), it provides validation to me that I am on the right track.
I am always looking to stretch, expand and open myself to all possibilities. Recently started producing for Different Duck films in LA creating features and content.
Currently I have 4 Films (2 Features, 2 Shorts) that I am in on
Amazon and most other VOD platforms.
Based in NY, I am a local LA , Atlanta, Miami hire, (fare and address)
Below my signature are my reel and tabs to IMDB, Website and
Social Media. Attaching resume.
I look forward to following and being of mutual service to you.
IMDB.me/eveaustin , www.eveaustin.net, eveaustin1@gmail.com
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Hi Eve, welcome to Stage 32! Congratulations on the 21 Best Actress Awards and your impressive resume of work so far!!
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Hello Eve! Congratulations on the wins and the validation. I look forward to seeing what you do with Different Duck. Rob is a friend of mine. Was a pleasure working with him, Jess, and Tim on Bobcat in July. Perhaps we will work together on a project in the future. Have a great night!
Hey Eve
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Hi Randy; Rob and I are good friends as well. Im on his next project A Sexual as well as various bits and pieces for BobCat and help him with First Frame Festival as well-- We are 2 peas in a pod. Bobcat looks fantastic- Have high hopes for it. Rob produced one of the shorts I am winning awards for. Just spent time with Jess, Rob and Tim in Vegas where I won best supporting in a new feature The Sisters Kardos (not directed or produced by Rob) Great to meet you.
Migdalia- we can learn from each other!
Hey Anthony
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Nice to meet you, Eve Austin. Congrats on the success. That's a lot of awards!
Randy; Just spoke with Rob (which I do almost daily) He sang your praises to the skies. Told me re the RV's and how much he likes and trusts you. Small world. eh?