As many may be aware, it’s National Suicide Prevention Month. This tough topic, and bullying in general, were a couple of reasons why we produced and filmed Just Say Goodbye. Our goal was that it might serve as a cautionary tale to teens who experience or witness bullying to speak up. And even to parents that they pay attention to signs of depression, and take those signs seriously. There are enough tragedies to deal with in our country already. Just Say Goodbye is streaming on platforms like DirectTV, Amazon, TubiTV, and free on the Movie Central channel on YouTube. Hope you’ll consider watching/sharing. And if you’ve done so before, you never know who it might make a difference to by sharing again.
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Such an important topic! You never know what a person is going through!
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This is a fantastic mission. What made you pursue it?
About a decade ago, an 11 year-old hung himself after being bullied at school a couple towns over, and it really crushed me. I had been thinking about doing a story about teen suicide as I had a friend in high school who told me he was going to take his life (but he's alive and well today, thank goodness). The young boy's tragedy spurred me to finally do it. :(