Festival Update!
I am pleased to share with you that my film "Mela (Canival)" has been selected for the Focus Short Fiction section of the 13th International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala.
In the past couple of months, It reached up to Semi Finals in the Festival del Cinema di Cefalù 2021, Italy. While it has been selected in the Noble International Film Festival and Awards, Bengaluru, Karnataka ; and Won short film of the month Award by Shorted.
Also, It has been officially selected in the Patmos Cinema Festival, under which it will travel to Greece, and will be screened in December on the beautiful island of Patmos.
Congratulations to the whole team!!!
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Great Pranjal! Think about Beeston Film Festival They are great! This is from early 2021: https://www.beestonfilm.com/
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Congratulations Pranjal! Keep us posted.
Thanks a lot Rutger Oosterhoff Will surely have a look :)
Thank you Debbie Croysdale
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Congratulations and best of luck. The Mela trailer is delightful!
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Thank You Benin Trotter
Thanks Jordan Jackson
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Congrats to you, Pranjal! Bravo, Sir!
Thank You Linwood Bell
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