LINE PRODUCERS: Anybody use Showbiz Budgeting for low-budget features? I'm talking $50K-$1M.
I have Movie Magic 7, but it's so buggy and unwieldy I'm looking for a replacement. (I'm not a fan of MM10 as it's subscription, Web-based, and from what I've read still just as buggy and kludgy as 7.)
Hi Robert,
There’s an iPhone app called Script Rehearser-
More for rehearsing lines and works great for this !
I was able to export to Word and export the page I needed to rehearse.
What about MS Word?
There’s the Outline mode, etc.
I know- better if you can have all the
Characters already in.
One thing nice about Script Rehearser is
Speech Mode for all parts, or the individual role.
Ok - thought I’d share a little what I know.
I’m more the musician/ percussionist/
Music composer guy- who has a lot of other jobs right now.
Let’s collaborate soon.
Hey Robert,
I'm not an LP but I've had the same issues and frustrations with MMB as you in the past (though it's way better on my mac than PC). I did trial a few different options, including Gorilla from Jungle Software, but ultimately stuck with MMB since it's the standard etc. If you're not going to work with a payroll company / have no need to adhere to Hollywood standards for this project, it may be worthwhile checking out Gorilla. The big attraction to that for me personally, was its improved integration with scheduling/call sheets etc.
Thanks, Ant, for your input.
Do EP/ABS/etc. not work with Showbiz payroll-wise, or do they just make you jump through more hoops to get the data the way they want it?
I went ahead and paid for Showbiz since it will also let me do actualizations which I’ll probably be in charge of until I’m regularly working on high-six-figure budgets and can hand it off to someone else.
Showbiz seems to be slowly making inroads into breaking MM’s stranglehold on budgeting so by the time I’m playing in the 7-figure budget world I’m hoping it’ll be more the norm than it is now (or MM will have fixed the many problems with its app.
I imagine they can work with anything, so long as they can get whatever reports / info they need in and out of it, but MMB has been around so long that the advantage would be that everyone knows it already and has systems in place for it. Still, that doesn’t mean it’s the only way to go and they may have systems in place for other software too. Keep us posted how you go!