After pitching my adult comedy animated series through the pitching sessions on Stage 32, I found that many producers loved the idea. Still, the problem was, the industry was looking for IP. So my creative partner and I decided to say, 'fuck it.' Let's make our own IP by turning our pilot script into a graphic novel. Then, once we have a following with our graphic novel, we can take that to producers and development execs as a pitching tool.
So here it is y'all. This is the link to our Kickstarter campaign for our graphic novel known as "High Noon Vol. 1 - The Dead Man's Mustache." - @highnoonanimation
High Noon is an Action/Comedy graphic novel that follows three Old West outlaws. Lenny is an overbearing swindler who's burned every bridge he's ever come across. Styx is a weary gun-for-hire who can't shoot for shit unless he's high due to his glaucoma. Atticus is the semi-mystical creature known as Bigfoot, who just so happens to have a magical green thumb. Follow along as these three navigate their way through the stubborn era of the Old West in an attempt at becoming the first known weed growers and dealers in history.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could check it out and spread the love!
Thanks for your support!
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This was the game plan of 2010. Not sure how many ppl succeeded but there had to be some winners. Good Luck.
Dan MaxXx as we know, things always come back around so fingers crossed this is one of them! Thanks Dan, that's greatly appreciated!