Hoping I can get more advice from producers on how to get my grand prize winning pilot Split Decisions into more hands while I can still say it’s the current winning script on Stage 32’s Television. Writing Competition. I had some great meetings, but I want to push on my own more while the iron is hot.
I’ve been querying producers and managers through IMDbPro who are associated with similar heavy dramas, but I know it’s so hard to drum up interest without having a referral from someone they know - even if I mention the grand prize win and that I have a pitch deck ready for review as well. Any suggestions for a produced screenwriter with a heavy-hitting premium show who only has a few indie credits to date?? You’re input would be greatly appreciated!
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WHA?!? Congratulations, that's fantastic news, Layla O'Shea! Okay, ways to keep the momentum going:
- put together a list of ideal cast for your lead roles, and send your script to them with a heart-felt letter as to why you think they're perfect for the role (unless those are the managers you are already hitting up, in which case - KEEP AT IT!)
- arrange a table read (virtual or in person) and record it; this can be with any available and acceptable actors
- put together a pitch for it - both a 2-page pitch document and a 5-minute verbal pitch (which will help you to continue pitching it)
- put together a pitch deck, and including as many details as you can - concept art, intended locations, season arcs, best networks for the series, dream team (cast & crew), etc.
- hire an artist to do some concept art (or a graphic artist to do a mock up based on copyrighted images mashed together).
- consider putting together a shoot for the series' trailer
I think you can see that this all adds up to - start adding OTHER materials that will help you sell the series that is NOT the script. The script is already great, now you just need people to understand that as fast as possible and get them excited about how it will look once translated for the screen.
Keep at it and let us know how it goes!
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Hey Layla O'Shea congrats on your win. If your script has not been optioned I see nothing wrong with doing more pitches. Karen gives great advice too. I am a big advocate of concept art. We are, after all, in a visual medium. Put together a pitch deck most definitely. Can it be a graphic novel? That's another way to create buzz.
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Woo hoo! CONGRATULATIONS! So happy for you!
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Thanks for your input Karen and Martin. Think you may have missed that I do actually have a professional pitch deck already done. Some great feedback on it already, but need to get it and the script into more hands I think. Love the idea of sending off to actors I like, but I’ve always read that you have to go through their agents/managers, so would have to convince them to look at it first. I have had a couple actors who loved it and are talking to people about it, but it’s a marathon not a sprint, right.