Introduce Yourself : Sedona International Film Festival - Screenplay Competition by Bob Reynolds

Bob Reynolds

Sedona International Film Festival - Screenplay Competition

Hi all, as Director of the Sedona International Film Festivals' Screenplay Competition, it behooves me to put out the call to fellow screenwriter's to give our festival a chance. The winning prize for each category is a VIP pass, four nights in a hotel and meetings with creatives of all ilk's. Besides, Sedona is pretty nice place to hang out, too.

Give our website a look-see!?

Keep up the good write!

bob reynolds

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Thomas Pollart

Note to Look-see ! Contest - 'Length requirements for full-length features: 40-130 pages'. Dang, mine is just a little too long, thanks anyway Bob ! North by Northwest, the industry standard for script writing, 181 pages long. See web, . I will continue to edit, I haven't given up !

Bob Reynolds

Hi Thomas, most new writers who are unestablished, without agents, managers and representation, need to show what they can do within certain perimeters before they write the Tarantino classic. Sorry, maybe next year we'll move to 140 pages, but few competitions go longer than that without an extra fee...

Thomas Pollart

Thanks Bob, that's my problem, I have the next Tarantino classic ! Best of luck with your festival !!

Fiona Linton-Brohamer

That's great news! I've been waiting a while to see if Sedona would hold their own contest.

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