Introduce Yourself : Hello From Scotland by Kristal Fleming

Kristal Fleming

Hello From Scotland

I'm new here or at least this is the first time I am really trying this site. I've got a few friends in the industry and I write novels, screenplays, know horses (have certificates in it) former dancer, I've got connections into wrestling. I'm known to be spunky and driven. I write romance, fantasy and mostly anything that sparks my imagination. I've been an author for 12 years now. I don't know what else to say other than hi!

Normann Pokorny

Hello Kristal! Good to meet you. What's the film community like in Scotland?

Solange Plaza


Kristal Fleming

Hi Normann Pokorny its a very positive place. Shame that I don't have to many projects that are set here. It's nice to meet you and thanks for saying hi.

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