Would anyone be interested in working on their 5 min pitch by swapping (written) pitch scripts? I'm dancing all around mine and I can see flaws in others (and know there are tons of flaws in mine) but I cannot "see" my issues to fix them. Maybe someone else is in the same boat and we could help each other? I'm doing a pitch in the Thursday pitch session and I'm spinning my wheels....
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Have you read the stage 32 pdf on pitching? Have you researched online ways to pitch? There are some awesome webinars on this platform on how to pitch the one by Will McCance is amazing I would recommend this one. As well as hundreds of free ones on youtube!
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As Kacee says, I would first read the guidelines...
I am not in the same boat right now because not pitching. But sure. I can send you two (Stage 32) pitch examples.
(1) written/written -- war drama
(2) written---face to face, used in a practise session. (still trying to find the written/written) --- Thriller
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Awesome Rutger!
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Then I need an email address Kristen. You can give it after excepting my connect request. Ten I ask for it in PM.
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I am happy to give you feedback on a written pitch. If you then want to comment on one of my log-lines, that would be a great exchange for me.