Screenwriting : Tears of Joy by Roy Allen

Roy Allen

Tears of Joy

It’s the small things in life. I was fortunate enough to make it to the second round of the Black Boy writes & Black Girl writes mentorship initiative. Congratulations to all of those who moved on to the 2nd and congratulations to all of those who applied. All praise to the most high and best of luck to everyone in this screenwriters race. We’ll all win one day.

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Just simply beautiful! Yes, we do.

MB Stevens

Congratulations, Roy. Onward and upward.

Nitara Osbourne

Congratulations, Roy! Way to make magic happen!

Jason Mirch

This is no small thing Roy! It is actually a massive feat my friend. I am very excited for you and the success you have had so far in this program. I also love your energy and enthusiasm in supporting everyone else.

I am so glad to have you in the Writers' Room my friend! If you haven't yet seen it, you can watch the Mike Gauyo webcast here:

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