Hello all, I've always been nervous about introducing myself in this kind of environment. Ego yelling in my ear "don't bother, you're not going to meet anyone here". Today I am telling my ego to shoosh it and reaching out to people in the industry I love!
I'm an Australian actress but I have found myself drawn to writing screenplays, mostly long-form comedies. I've been fortunate enough to work with some incredible producers (small brag, one with an Oscar) in developing them but my network for writing is a very small pool.
I would love to meet more and more people that thoroughly enjoy the process of storytelling in all its sweat, blood and glory. I hope you are all having a brilliant day, cheers!
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Cheers, Kimberley Cooper ! I'm even more of an introvert now and I can relate, it's easy to step back yet rewarding to risk stepping forward, I feel the same and I've been very pleased to discover so many like-minded artist souls here these past several months!
I'm very interested in how the screenplay form invites me as a writer to develop and read the roles / cast / characters and of course bring these characters to life. It's as though I have to be an actor, even if it's just for myself and in service of writing the story well.
And writing the script we get to be the director which is so powerful.
I feel like I learned a lot last year writing an ensemble cast, I'm finding that I need to build an early draft (going to an outline I've built in advance) that is mostly based on story-logic, plot and basically getting the WHO, WHEN and WHERE set up in scenes, then later of course letting the characters bring in dialogue, and eventually the WHAT emerges, and then sometimes in subtext the WHY also comes out.
Sometimes I've tried to do it all at once and it can be a long slog through that first draft if my initial goals are a bit too lofty.
Writing my seventh feature script, knowing that it's sometimes only very late in the process that the dialogue really begins to show promise.
Don't deny yourself any riches. Cut your losses short. Let your profits run!
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Pleasure to make yer acquaintance Kimberly. Sooo, from the land Of Oz huh? Awesome! I've been friends with a bunch of different people from Aussie land who were incredible writers. We were most in the same poetry forum together. So I am absolutely pleased to meet you. Welcome. Good luck and let's stay in touch.
Take care.
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Don't be nervous -- I write comedy features too, and am gradually getting good at it. Welcome aboard!
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Welcome! And "Just Shoosh It" should be the screenwriters' morning mantra.
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Kimberly, how exciting that you’re broadening your areas of expertise! Best of luck and success to you!
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Do you do voiceovers? May e we can collaborate on something that involves storytelling!
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My thoughts every day, lol, but if no one knows your here, they probably won't find you either :) Hi!
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G’day nice to see another Aussie on here I don’t see many and am starting feel a bit alone lol. I’m not familiar with long term comedy but I’m not big on comedy. I do enjoy slapstick and skits from groups such as Monty Python and musical comedy from people such as D.A.A.S, Tripod, and Tim Minchin however I prefer comedy that occurs outside the genes because of the characters (NCIS: LA is a personal favourite for this).
I too am an Actor but beside a few Auditions and my own projects I tend to mostly get directing or 1st AD work.
I certainly appreciate “the process of storytelling in all its sweat, blood and glory” and I definitely enjoy it. I have experience in almost all forms of creative story telling and consider myself a Creative Storyteller (though I admit I have certain areas I’m good at and I have others that could use work).
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Good to meet you here
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Another Aussie here. Great to meet.
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Hi Kimberley: Yes, I have to ignore ‘that’ voice on a daily basis and get on with it! Best of luck! Bec