Sad to learn that Seasons 3 and 4 are the the last seasons of the critcally acclaimed show. But, I'm happy that I wrote my first spec script over this show and I learned a lot trying to conceptualize and capture the vibe Donald and his team tries to convey throughout the show. If you want to read my spec go here:
Feel free to explore the site, but the sample is located there! Happy reading. And feedback is greatly appreciated!
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Dude, Atlanta was a trip, a funny, awkward, deep trip. Are you sure they're done with it? IMDB doesn't have an end year to it yet. What I can find, Season 5 was renewed as of Nov. 2021:
Keep hope alive!
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Well, this is embarrassing - that link is NOT to Atlanta, Season 5 LOL! DOH! That's what I get for reading the headline and assuming. Still, keep hold of that spec as a writing sample.
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Thanks for the script!
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@Karen "Kay" Ross, hey it's great to hear from you! I don't want it to end either, but as far as some crew members have expressed they are done after season 4. But that is in 2023! Thank you for reaching out. You're wonderful.
@Lovie D thank you for checking it out!
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Thank you so much for sharing. That is really nice of you. :)
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@Evelyne thanks so much for checking it out. If anyone of you have any samples you just want read I would love to return the favor!