Filmmaking / Directing : Climate FIlms by Patrick Costello

Patrick Costello

Climate FIlms

What emotions did you experience viewing the climate metaphor satire film "Don't Look Up?" From the perspective of a climate activist it has a number of redeeming qualities, but in the final analysis it’s just another in a long line of disaster flicks, followed weeks later by yet another one - Moonfall. Are people moved to action by these apocalyptic doom scenarios? I’m not so sure. The climate crisis is a relatively slow-moving disaster, compared to the cataclysmic violent destruction that rivets you when viewing a disaster movie.

My climate screenplay “Turtle On a Fence Post” is designed to elicit more positive emotions including righteous anger at the primary perpetrator - the Fossil Fuel Industry; a David and Goliath respect for scientists and activists who take the fight to them despite being overmatched by the industry's economic and political power; and a cautious long-shot optimism that humanity will use its moral sensitivity, innate intelligence, adaptability and tool making genius to avoid the worst of climate destruction.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Honestly - I was far over-bored with the various doom scenario films, and social cause films many years ago. Unless it sounds like a human story, I can't bother. If it is a compelling personal story, it can be set against anything and I will give it a watch.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey Patrick, this is Karen from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Your Stage to Filmmaking / Directing (since you're discussing the emotional impact of a film), as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions and all the best to you!

Patrick Costello

Thank you so much!!

April Spiller

I like the idea of yours. I had mixed emotions about Don't Look Up. I liked that it portrayed the media and politicians as completely self-absorbed and unconcerned idiots. I thought the ending with Meryl Streep getting eaten was funny. I thought Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence did good jobs. Over all though, is it too much to ask to have a disaster film have an okay outcome? A way out that they actually go for and then succeed in surviving?

Patrick Costello

Karen, is there an easy to fix the typo in the title? - (Fillms should be Films)

Vincent Turner

April Spiller i wrote a review about it you can check my wall. I feel like you suggest the film is a 4 outta 5 star film because of the outcome. There are lists of films that will give you this and Adam has given you this. As artists we need to always find ways to tell great stories. The Americans that we’re displayed didn’t deserve to lead the world and you wanted them to save us? They did a good job.

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