Screenwriting : Back in the Game by Bill Albert

Back in the Game

I took a break for a few months from everything to try and regain my senses. I won some festivals last year and despite some good experiences I kept frustrated feeling like I was in limbo. It seemed like I was always so close to making he jump to pro but it just wasn't happening. It was taking it's toll on me so I just let it go for a while. I worked on ideas, wrote some bits and pieces, but really stayed out of things since November.

Got my first pitch lined up in a few hours. Have to admit I'm a bit nervous about it. Worried I'm a bit out of practice.

I have a big interview with a producer on Tuesday. I was really holding back on the more intense consultations for a while but this producer's really fit a scripts I've got. Thought about it a lot and finally decided to set it up. Also spent 3 1/2 hours going over every single word, ended up adding about 4 pages of script, before uploading it. Here goes.

Any fingers crossed would be greatly appreciated.

Effie Trihas

Break a leg Bill!

Deborah Daughetee

What Effie said. Also, sometimes taking a little break is exactly what you need to find your motivation again.

Jim Boston

Bill, my fingers ARE crossed for you...big time!

Glad you took time to refresh yourself...glad you're back in the hunt.

All the VERY BEST to you!

Maria K

We are all on a journey. Wish you to have the most rewarding one despite the challenges. Good luck with the pitch!

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