Introduce Yourself : Things are progressing by Lance Ness

Lance Ness

Things are progressing

Hello all. My writing career has been progressing at a snail's pace but it does appear to be progressing. I have been expecting a sale for a while and it might finally be at hand.

I am now listed as "lead writer" for a new studio and plans are in order for making some of my screenplays.

Before you ask the producer is NOT taking anything new right now so no I can't show your work to someone. Sorry! In fact they are not even looking at some of my newer works right now so some are available for sale or financing. I have listed a couple.

The lesson for all of us to learn is "do not give up." This business can take a long time, and sadly many of us will not really succeed, but you can't succeed if you give up and even if you never make it there is much to learn in trying. Your stories say a lot about you so you might actually develop a better understanding of who you are and discover something great in yourself you never knew before. It can take your life a new direction.

Good luck and God bless

Lance Ness

Thanks - Now if things just don't fall through. (That's another lesson I had to learn)

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