Hi everyone at Stage32, and especially any of you in the New Mexico area. For most of the past 30 years I have been based in Brooklyn, NY working primarily as a cinematographer. Shooting short and feature length narrative films are my true passion as well as advertising, documentaries or other projects that allow the image to be made as cinematic as possible. Due to circumstances beyond my control I now find myself in Albuquerque, NM and would very much like to meet up with others in the area and get involved in as many projects as possible. Look forward to meeting with like minded individuals in the group.
Ahh, Brooklyn! Miss that NY and Brooklyn pizza having been expatriated from NY to Chicago. Starving for real pizza out here. Your experience sounds amazing. Would love to hear what kind of full-length narratives you have created! Even if you can't find anyone in NM in person, the amazing community here online at Stage 32 will provide you with many opportunities to make great friends. Welcome.
I am especially proud of a feature film called "Artifice: Loose Fellowships and Partners." It took us around 3-4 years to complete as money had to keep being raised for the next 2-3 days of shooting. That there is continuity in the look of the images as well as in the appearance of the actors is amazing unto itself. The director allowed me complete freedom in regards to lighting, framing and coverage. We seemed to have a different crew every time we got together again but yet all of the primaries stuck it out through the whole thing. Pretty amazing. Despite everything working against us, in the end we were awarded best cinematography at the Hip Hop Film Festival New York.
How about you, any exciting stories...
Neat video Kenny
Thanks Billy
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Wow! What a great achievement. Congratulations! I have 7 scripts for feature and TV of which one just made top 10 finalist in the drama contest which was quite a thrill. Now I am in the process of bringing to execs to have a studio produce them!
That is really awesome, Ricki. Major congratulations and best of luck getting one or more of them produced. I look forward to seeing your name in the credit roll. I would understand any reluctance on your part as the writer trying to sell a script but would you mind giving me a sense about what one of your favorite scripts is about or how you see it visually in your mind. An elevator pitch would be acceptable. ; ) wink, wink, nudge, nudge