Filmmaking / Directing : Storyboard software by Nancy Ruth Owens

Storyboard software

I have a screenplay, "Brother Obama, Sister Zodiac," written, first draft. Now, what I want to do is storyboarding. Since I am not artistic in that way, I need a good but not too expensive software.


Irene Reis Leite

Have you tried

Doug Nelson

Why? You're the writer. You've completed the first draft. I'm going out on a limb here by saying that it's near ready for production. But you want to storyboard the project. You're the Writer but you want to do the scene sequencing and blocking that is the Director's job. There will be lots of rewriting to do before it goes to production - do your Writer's job first. Let the Director & DP do theirs.

Debbie Croysdale

@Nancy Further up this lounge (more recent to your post) William J Hill has started storyboarding lessons.

Vincent Turner

What Doug is saying is attach a director.

Nancy Ruth Owens

How do u do that? Pitch? Not to sound too egotistically lazy but I am hoping that the title would be enough to entice a director and/or producer.

Vincent Turner

Research is great. Who can make your movie better than you? If you don’t have tools or skills in that area, you are wasting time with storyboard. In other words if you have adequate drawing samples. I can flush out a poster through graphics.

Nancy Ruth Owens

I wouldn't doubt that, Geno. I am working on the second draft. But, am having trouble because I've been trying to do it in revision mode. But, thanks to Doug, it occurred to me that the revision mode is NOT for a spec screenplay. Good to hear from you again!

Nancy Ruth Owens

Thank you for that, Roth. I just signed up and will check it out!

Nancy Ruth Owens

Wow! Good price, too.

Nancy Ruth Owens

I'm still trying to figure out how to pay Geno, if he's interested. LOL

Nancy Ruth Owens

Here are my new plans thanks to advice I've just received:

Restart a fundraiser. I had one going years and years ago. But, had no product. Now, I have a product.

Hossein Hashemi

Dear Nancy

Do you have any 3D background knowledge?

if you have you can create short previsualization for your work. I have created it for my project and it is very helpful.

Nancy Ruth Owens

I have a paint program that is 3D.! maybe....

Nancy Ruth Owens

Wow! It's even got images installed.

Shay Villere

my recommendation is a human being....that is what it took for me

Douglas Walker

Check out StoryboardThat, it's similar to StoryboardQuick but works on more recent versions of Macs. It's $15 per month.

Nancy Ruth Owens

Geno, I'm all for you doing this if you are interested! But, I will take your advice and go to this website. As you can imagine, I don't get much support from my closest friends and my brother was murdered almost 2 years ago. People are shocked and in disbelief when they first learn the truth and I am never surprised by this anymore. I just have to set up a gofundme account which I am going to be working on today. I have to recognize that I am not able to do this alone since screenwriting takes years to learn. Yes, it is as unique as one can get. Not bragging. LOL, It's just simply the truth. Good or bad, we have put a foreign king on the American throne. Obama, himself, stated that he was from Kenya. You have my script and I think that you can see how simple it was to bring about his false identity. Oh, I have to add that I was told years ago to do a DNA test. As of yesterday, this has been done. Little steps to a much larger goal.

Nancy Ruth Owens

@DouglasWalker Yes! That's the one. I saw it about three years ago and couldn't find it again. With the other program, I feel like I would be stealing even though, I would be paying a monthly price. Plus, how can you feel creative when someone else's completed work is staring right back at you. Does this make sense?

Douglas Walker

By someone else's completed work, do you mean the pre-drawn characters and backgrounds? I don't have a problem with that at all, I can't draw and this is extremely efficient. The artists who created the characters/backgrounds were compensated for their work. But if that makes you feel uncomfortable and you can draw, there are some other storyboard programs out there that allow you to draw on them.

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