I wanted to let everyone know that Windows 11 users may experience difficulty with Skype. I recently pitched over the phone instead because Skype would not work. I discovered that Windows 11 users may need to repair Skype. In my case, it kept telling the executive that I was "busy". When I tested the system later, I discovered that my app closed down when I called myself from another Skype account.
You can do this under your Settings/Apps/Skype Advanced Options.
Even if you have done it once, you should verify it is working on the next pitch. Any update seems to cause the problem to reappear.
The article seems wrong about how to open the Windows setting, but it gives an overview of the problem.
I used the REPAIR rather than reset feature. Anyway, the Stage32 community should be aware of this issue. For users using Skype under Windows 11, they may wish to verify Skype works on the day of their pitch.
Thanks for sharing! Were you able to reschedule your pitch session at least?
The pitches proceeded. I give people both my phone number and my Skype number. It did delay the pitching session for both myself and others.
why would you use skype over a phone anyway? Unless it is in another country?
The pitches default to phone or skype on Stage32. I don't mind pitching on Skype because there is something friendlier about seeing another person.
Google Meetings for the win.
Oh, I see. I don't much like Skype myself and I've had very spotty experience with Google. So I default to zoom, and I also maintain Uberconference for larger meetings.
so shadow.....tell me.....what problem did you have with google meetings?