Hi Everyone.
I'm not new, but having to create a new profile. I'm an Upcoming Fantasy/ Supernatural Horror Screenwriter born and raised in Nottingham UK.
I have learning disabilities such as Velo- Cardio Facial Syndrome which includes a lot of communication problems and also autism (Asperger's)
This past year I created a TV Series Idea based on one of my short films I wrote back in 2016, I made a teaser trailer for it in 2016 and it has now got over 21K Views and has won awards in several film festivals. I had a meeting with a producer yesterday who is interested in my series and I sent them my script and teaser trailer + Treatment Form and I'll hear back from them tomorrow :)
Please feel free for all those who followed me on my old account to connect with me on this one, till I get my old account back :)
Kind Regards,
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New to me, because I'm new, so welcome! haha
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This is my back up profile until I get my old account back lol, but thank you! J.M. Gulmire
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Oh no, is there a stage 32 jail, like FB jail? hahah
I don't know! been struggling to get into my account for two weeks now. All of a sudden I couldn't login, not sure what I've done wrong though. That's the problem.. J.M. Gulmire
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Michael keep plugging away and don't let any disabilities stop you from your craft. Use it to fuel your spirit