My name is Mike Elliott. I've been on the screenwriting merry-go-round before. Way-y-y-y back in the mid-80s when I arrived in LA with a wife, young kids and a full head of hair. I went through 2 agents then I was picked up by Brenda Feigen at William Morris. I thought that was my Golden Ticket. Well, it wasn't. The details are messy, amusing and irrelevant. Moved back East (Baltimore), underwent a lot of therapy, got work as an advertising writer and began a 13 year stint (1991-2004) as a stand comic. Decided to start writing again in 2012. So here I am. Mr. Never-Say-Die
Welcome, are you writing anything now?
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Writing and re-writing. My #1 project is titled "Nobody's Heroes". It made the May "Look Book" getting a Double Recommend. I actually just finished adding a new opening scene. Besides that I'm rewriting a script titled "Family Men," a revenge crime/thriller. Next up are a female-lead (actually 3 females) domestic drama, "Mother I/Mother II" and a female lead thriller, "Therapy Sessions." I've got the outlines done, need to flesh them out.
Hope all goes well this time, Michael!
I think it will. Thanks.
Good luck..
Awesome! I think so many brilliant people aren't famous because they gave up too quickly. And besides, for creators, a solid definition of success is often best made involving connection and personal satisfaction. :) When I get down, I often think of how many of my favorite authors died poor and in the gutter... Perspective! Onward. ;)
From 1991 to 2004 I was a touring stand-up comic. In the summer of 1994 I went on-tour with Darrell Hammond who was a rising star in the NYC-based comedy world. During one of many long conversations about the business, Darrell said his career plan was to stay in the comedy business until he became a success. He said he would outlast perhaps more talented comedians because he would never quit, Well, six months later he became the newest cast member of Saturday Night Live where he spent years entertaining viewers with his great impressions of Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson and Sean Connery. Took him only 10 years to become an overnight success!