Introduce Yourself : Diana Kan Lee by Diana Kan Lee

Diana Kan Lee

Diana Kan Lee

Hi everyone :) I'm Diana, an actress, writer-director and producer based in Singapore.

I moved back here after a 8-ish year stint in the UK, where I predominantly worked in the tech startup industry in a variety of roles - first hire, engineer, tech lead and CTO, alongside a semi-pro career in pole dance & independent art. Prior to a career in tech, I had also tried to break into acting & film in the UK and the US, and did a lot of intensive training in acting both in LA and the UK, but destiny had other plans. I thought a software engineer's salary would give me the income & security needed to sustain myself as I continued to pursue my art in the UK, however found myself yearning to for Asia, and left a year and a half into the most flexible visa a working immigrant could possibly get in the UK.

After the last two or three years of soul-searching and in January, deciding to leave my full-time role at a tech startup I co-founded, I now find myself faced with what seems like an insurmountable task - analysing and understanding the rise & success of various commercially-successful, viable film industries around the world, wondering why there is no equivalent in my home country, Singapore, and then realising that I have to create the community I want to see here. Sure, there are a lot of amazing independent filmmakers, really solid crew, and a pretty vibrant theatre scene, yet, for a country that is an international trade hub and not that much smaller than Hong Kong, it is very strange that we don't really have a similar, thriving, internationally-recognised commercial cinema industry - at least not how I've experienced in the UK & US.

In December, I was (divinely?) inspired to write a 30-min narrative film script in about 2 days, and subsequently proceeded to lead and execute the film, which we shot in the end of February. Although I had considered & attempted to cast other actresses to play the lead, I ended up being the best match for the role, and so I ended up starring in, on top of writing, producing and directing the film. We are a team of 6, including 2 actors, the DP, and script supervisor. In the process, I also felt divinely guided to create an independent company to provide structure & support to the work. The whole journey has been lonely & arduous at times, but looking back now, I am sure it will be worth it.

In the background, I have a few longer-form content ideas in development, which I've been working on since 2020, and which I hope to iterate towards in the next few years.

Right now, I am focusing on working with my editor to complete the film, and simultaneously figuring out what exactly should the business model of my production company be - whether there is a viable "tech" aspect to the company, whether I should try to bootstrap it (and thus go back to another 9-5 job, or try to go part-time in a flexible company, or freelance, on top of building some passive income streams) or turn it into a startup and aim for external investment/institutional funding... and most importantly, how does all of this fit into my personal dream & wish to be an international movie actress aligned with meaningful characters which inspire deep soul healing on a global scale, and are therefore authentic & revolutionary to me. Perhaps I'll find some clarity soon, we'll see!

If you made it this far through my post, thank you for reading and resonating :) I'm excited to see what this community has to offer and to be a part of it in my own way :)

MB Stevens

Welcome Diana Kan Lee We grow through what we go through. Keep climbing to your goals. I'm rooting for you. Onward and upward.

Diana Kan Lee

Thank you MB Stevens! I'm writing that down - we do grow through what we go through. Grateful for your kind words and warm welcome :)

David Kleve

I've wondered about why motion pictures production companies have not been as successful from countries around the world don't do better. I think there are many interlocking reasons.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Diana. Welcome. Writing a 30-minute script in about 2 days is impressive. You should check out the Acting lounge and the Filmmaking/Directing lounge.

Scott Frederick

I'm curious if you put your short film on YouTube or anything?..and Welcome!

Dana Jackson

Welcome, Diana! Good luck with whichever path you choose!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Great to meet you, Diana Kan Lee, and welcome to the community! Wow, what an amazing journey you've had so far - and I love that you're taking your tech industry expertise and are putting it to good use in your own local film community! Actually, I think that would be a great topic to bring up in the Producing Lounge ( - why not ask other producers from around the world what resources they look for to film in a particular location? Maybe it'll help you to continue to build up Singapore's viability!

Keep in mind that these lounges are like the VIP Filmmaker's Lounges at Film Festivals, so this is where you can meet the people doing the work, get advice on anything you're working on, and/or give back to those who may need advice. We're a very supportive and encouraging community! I think you'd also enjoy my blog post on how to get the most out of the Stage32 Community:

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!

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