I know it’s not a new idea. I want to see new faces on the screen. I’m thinking about casting all Gen Z & later actors for my future projects. I feel like I’ve been chasing too many veteran actors. Quality cast, quality script and production, why should we need veterans? (Except for Giancarlo Esposito)
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Well, depends on what you call a "veteran." You need experienced and talented actors. Depending on the project and where it is intended to go, you may or may not need "name" talent. The audience, IMO, will happily accept new people, but the fact is, name recognition means something.
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I'm really new to all this but If there any projects available for acting Im up for it and as for training whereby experience and talent is needed I will work each and everyday to achieve the goal! So please do Contact me if you perhaps have anything! hub106277@gmail.com
Speaking as a veteran actor.....sorry I can't help.
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You had me at Giancarlo Esposito. I think there's a benefit to having some veteran and some fresh voices - that creates the artistic synergy that you see and are captivating on screen.
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Vertan actors are veterans for a reason: they can act! If you don't put performance ahead of ALL other considerations when casting, you will end up with an inferior product.
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As a veteran actor with plenty of patina to share I must respectfully disagree. Many of us experienced actors do not have a lot of screen time and are not recognizable faces. As an actor of a certain age range I was so fed up with the perpetual 18-35 age range I wrote a screenplay, Wounded Geese, where the vast majority of characters are 50- 96. Oops, sorry perhaps I'm venting, and pitching at the same time, may you projects bring you much success.
The veteran actors have SO much character...! You can just see it on the screen!