Acting : Stories you wanna tell.. by Eyiara Olugunna

Eyiara Olugunna

Stories you wanna tell..

Have the events of the last few years i.e. the pandemic, global, and political events, changed your perspective on the kind of stories you want to tell?

I still love dramas, but I'm gravitating towards comedy. I want people to laugh, I wanna bring joy into their lives - more of the heart-warming, uplifting stories.

Curious to know if you've noticed a shift in yourself?

Shellie Schmals

Hi Eyiara, I’m on the film festival side of things, and I’ve seen a shift in towards embracing more comedy from both filmmakers & audience members. Seeing that shift, I support your sentiments! It’s been a trying time & people want to be uplifted and feel joyful again. Are you currently working on any projects?

Maurice Vaughan

I don't think the events have changed my perspective on the type of stories I tell, but Comedy and feel-good movies are in higher demand now.

Matthew Cornwell

I've always loved comedy much more than drama, and the pandemic only made me lean into it more. Both in my writing/producing, and in my consumption of stories.

Eyiara Olugunna

Hi Shellie Schmals, it's so interesting to hear that. Maybe a good thing that's coming out of these times is a rekindling of what sparks joy in our hearts.

I'm currently working on a short, it's a drama haha but with an uplifting message.

Eyiara Olugunna

Maurice Vaughan to your point about comedy and feel-good movies being in higher demand now, I wonder if that is how trends are formed. Something happens in the world, storytellers write about it, audiences shift towards that thing and it creates more demand.

Would love to know, what type of stories do you tell, or do you like to tell?

Eyiara Olugunna

Thanks for sharing Matthew Cornwell!

Shellie Schmals

Hi Eyiara - once you've completed your short, please submit to >> - We'd love to consider it!

Maurice Vaughan

That probably is how some trends are formed, Eyiara Olugunna ("Something happens in the world, storytellers write about it, audiences shift towards that thing and it creates more demand.").

I like to tell unique, entertaining stories with strong, flawed characters. My script always has a theme.

Amman Mohammed

There's been a shift, yes. All I know is that it's not to Reverse. T/G.

Kenneth Oko-Oboh

Same here !

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