Introduce Yourself : Keep moving forward by Frank Detrano

Frank Detrano

Keep moving forward

To all the creative artists on Stage 32...dont put all your chips on one idea or property...Im currently working on 4 concepts at the same time...anyone else in the same boat? Keep writing (or drawing) and moving that old expression...something will eventually stick to the wall...good luck!

Emily J

Frank Detrano Same! Just finished a script, about to do a pass of another, and starting to outline a third. It's a fun juggling act!

Amman Mohammed

Too late, Frank, I've already put all my chips on ONE IDEA. And that's the idea of a New Cinema. It's the organizing center around which to juggle derivatives.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the advice and encouragement, Frank Detrano!

Cherelynn Baker

Welcome to Stage 32! Good advice and keep up the good work!

Angela Smeraldi

Thanks for the sentiment, couldn’t agree more!

Devin O'Neill

Hi Frank, yeah, I'm with you. Always nice to hear there are other jugglers in the circus.

Rob Jones

Oh yeah you already know, Frank.

Billy Kwack

Hi Frank, would love to collaborate with writing

Frank Detrano

Thank you all for your feedback...I am pleased I could spread a little inspiration and relieved to know there are indeed other "jugglers" out there...let me know from time to time how you are all progressing in this crazy business.

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