To all the creative artists on Stage 32...dont put all your chips on one idea or property...Im currently working on 4 concepts at the same time...anyone else in the same boat? Keep writing (or drawing) and moving that old expression...something will eventually stick to the wall...good luck!
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Frank Detrano Same! Just finished a script, about to do a pass of another, and starting to outline a third. It's a fun juggling act!
Too late, Frank, I've already put all my chips on ONE IDEA. And that's the idea of a New Cinema. It's the organizing center around which to juggle derivatives.
Thanks for the advice and encouragement, Frank Detrano!
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Welcome to Stage 32! Good advice and keep up the good work!
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Thanks for the sentiment, couldn’t agree more!
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Hi Frank, yeah, I'm with you. Always nice to hear there are other jugglers in the circus.
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Oh yeah you already know, Frank.
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Hi Frank, would love to collaborate with writing
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Thank you all for your feedback...I am pleased I could spread a little inspiration and relieved to know there are indeed other "jugglers" out there...let me know from time to time how you are all progressing in this crazy business.