Anyone with tales of success in finding film crew and acting talent for non-union, micro-budget projects that are about 'the work' itself, understanding their role in a production team and not creating drama or extraneous stimuli to distraction? If so, please let me know.
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Welcome to Stage 32! Have you posted in the Stage 32 jobs board - paid or unpaid - post what you are looking for and enjoy the process of finding your micro-budget tribe!
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Hello Cherelynne, No I haven't, and I signed up 2015! To be honest the last seven years have kept me away from pursuing any endeavor in film or stage, other than DIY DSLR projects for small businesses. Have you produced and formed a crew and cast tribe?
How are you doing, Chris Zyck?
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Keeping busy, like you are, I'm sure. What's going on?
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Yeah, keeping busy. I'm rewriting a short script and developing a web-series with an actor/producer.
Sounds like those are attainable pursuits. Finding great content in your writing, and the subjects of the web series, are they contemporary relevant? Historical? Non-fiction?
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This is the most wonderful question as seen by an indie true creator with guerrilla tendencies. I'll be checking out the Stage 32 jobs board soon!