Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Linwood Bell


Todd Rundgren said it best - Hello it’s me….again. lol

I’m always open to new opportunities and working relationships. Hope to connect here on Stage 32. Everyone have a nice weekend!

Jason Mirch

Hey Linwood Bell! Glad we're connected. I am the Director of Script Services at Stage 32. I was just speaking with another composer about the importance of planning for music early in the production process. It really does make all the difference in the world for the finished film. Glad you are here my friend!

Sandeep Gupta

what an amazing treat!. Everyone, stop and watch this, with audio on!

Linwood Bell

Thank you guys much! So nice to meet you.

Shelly Battista

Incredible, thanks for posting! Really enjoyed listening/watching!

Linwood Bell

Shelly, you're from Richmond? Me too! I live in Vegas these days though. Loved growing up in Richmond.

Shelly Battista

Been in Richmond for years, grew up in Springfield. They're both different now. There's a song in there somewhere.

Linwood Bell

We might have to my best Tom Petty: "It's was the best of times, it was the worst of times"

Shelly Battista

Dickens would approve.

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