Hi their filmmaker! Our media company is now accepting SUBMISSIONS through our distribution channels. We are open to all Genres in Film and TV Episodic content to review (sorry no documentaries, short films or reality shows at this time)
At Vonti Pictures we like engaging stories and so do our Distributors! We work hard to connect you with the right distribution channels for Streaming and Home Entertainment. Previous work has been featured on Amazon, Hulu, Netflix, iN DEMAND, Redbox, Google Play, Xbox Video and many more. Please note we are looking for fully finished content that's ready for broadcast/streaming. Vonti Pictures is proud to accept all feature length and episodic programming for consideration. The best way for us to watch your content in a timely manner is to provide ONLY a TRAILER or SIZZLE REEL connected to the content. Do NOT send scripts, treatments, summaries or the actual finished product. Once we review the trailer and/or sizzle reel we will reach out with next steps. All content is confidential, and we are happy to sign an NDA to support this. Your information is private and will remain in house until notified of the final decision.
So, email vontipictures@gmail.com right now to get your voice out there!
More about Vonti Pictures. Our founder Vonti McRae established her company in April 2020 after leaving Corporate America. She decided to follow her passion of Screenwriting and Producing while taking a different approach to the industry. You can connect with her on linkedin.com/in/vonti-mcrae-3b71281 and learn more about her experience.
What are you waiting for? Reach out NOW at vontipictures@gmail.com. In the subject line mention – Call for Entries and include the name of your project. You can also supply a logline of the story that gives more backstory to the trailer/sizzle reel.