Financing / Crowdfunding : Funding for new type of camera lens (patents are certain) by Amman Mohammed

Amman Mohammed

Funding for new type of camera lens (patents are certain)

Hello I am looking for a Cinema producer or Investor possibly interested in developing a simple new type of camera lens and thereafter acquiring patents.  The design is simple, opto-mechanical, and easy to make. A convertor (attachment to an existing lens) can also be made for all lens.

Stephen Maina

I hope you get an investor to realise your dream. Please consider low entry to market price point to make it accessible to indie film makers like us

Amman Mohammed

Maina, we are envisioning $100 to $200 price for the 'consumer market.' $500 - $3,000 price for the professional market. And you can improvise one on set before you decide to buy the real thing.

Amman Mohammed

Thanks, Colette, I guess that's it then. Wish we had a STAGE 32 Domestic/International crowdfunding feature on the site. I figure The S32 community has to be the best community in place to support filmmaking related projects if not this techie one. 1 Million+ people ! ;) :)

Lucky Rathore

Dude let me know whenever this lens available. I'm looking forward to it.

Elizabeth Francois

Eddie Barber in Los Angeles. Google search Eddie Barber spin cam. He's the one that invented the spin cam (but failed to patent it). His portfolio is impressive all the celebrities he's worked with. He's friendly and always willing to help.

Amman Mohammed

Super. Thanks Elizabeth Will do!

Amman Mohammed

Thanks Colette. I Appreciate the support!

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