Introduce Yourself : Hello lovely people by Dale Thomas

Dale Thomas

Hello lovely people

My name is Dale and I have just joined. I would love to make friends and connection here, especially with people who have the same interests. I really love speculative fiction: sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and all that lies between. I have a background in evolution so I usually write stories about plausible aliens and unique monsters.

Amanda Michel

Welcome Dale.

Cherelynn Baker

Dale! Welcome to Stage 32 - get in the lounges and find your tribe! You are gonna love it here!

Heather McNamara

Hi Dale! Welcome. This is a great community full of kind, helpful people :)

Vital Butinar

Welcome! :)

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Dale Thomas. We write the same genres. Since you're a screenwriter and an author, you might want to check out the Screenwriting lounge ( and the Authoring & Playwriting lounge (

Joanna Karselis

Welcome Dale! There are some really lovely scifi/fantasy/horror fans on this site. In fact, speaking of plausible aliens, I'm just reading HG Wells' The First Men In The Moon- though his science is a little out of date by modern standards so they might not count as plausible any more! Happy to chat scifi any time though.

Katherine Arifin

Hi Dale Thomas. Nice to meet you. My name is Katherine. From Indonesia.

Aconda Williams

Welcome Dale!

Dale Thomas

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome

Eyo Obot

Welcome Dale

Eyo Obot

What's your favorite sci-fi movie?

Dale Thomas

My two favourite scifi movies are The Thing and Alien, which are basically the same movie :)

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic to have you in the community, Dale.

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