A video of my dear friend and mentor, Christopher Lockhart; story Editor at WME, the world's largest diversified talent agency. ❤ And represents A talent, like, Denzel Washington, but Chris helped me dig deep into the THREE C's in my screenplay, "HELL AT 30 BELOW" and more... It's been a lonely road, being a self-taught writer, and adapting my 400-page novel/manuscript into a movie script about my personal life. And, originally, never wrote my story for anyone else, but for me... for personal healing. The good, the bad and the ugly, and the joy too. https://youtu.be/jd27anzlRD0
Karen, I noticed your story is set in Duluth! I was just there last year and very impressed by the burgeoning film and TV production community. Did you know they have HUGE incentives for production there? I don't know that much but here's a link to some of the info, if you do want more information, I can connect you with the Film Duluth Director and maybe she can help. https://mn.gov/deed/business/financing-business/tax-credits/film-product...
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thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Rosemond Perdue! :) Just saw your post now. I will check out the link, and would be happy to connect with the Duluth Director. Hope you are doing well, and look forward to keeping in touch. :)
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Chris is one of my favorite people in this business. He taught the most EPIC webinar on how to craft a good logline. I recommend it to everyone - the community, our teachers and just everyone: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/What-Makes-Your-Logline-Interesting-for...
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Chris is a dear friend. I've spoken all over the world with him, from South Africa to Trinidad to L.A. and beyond. He will be in the Stage 32 Writers' Room on the 28th
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That's great news, Richard! And congratulations to you and your success with Stage 32. The BEST I have ever come across for writers and others in the film industry. Very impressive, to say the least!
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Truly appreciate those kind words, Karen! And please, call me RB :)
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Thanks, RB : )