Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Matt Falkowski

Matt Falkowski


Hello Everyone,

I am a 60-year-old former United States Marine and stage actor, I met my wife while acting in the Chicago theatre scene back in the early 90’s.

I have held several different vocations since leaving the Marine Corps in 1985 and I have been working in the Information Technology Field for the past 24+ years.

I have been a film and theatre enthusiast my whole life. I had to place my dreams of a professional acting career on hold in the early 90’s to raise my family, while working full-time and going to college full-time.  As our kids have grown into adulthood, I started writing my screenplays at age 50 in 2012 with a goal to have three (first draft) scripts completed by age 55. I completed two of my screenplay drafts, one about a major Marine Corps battle during the Korean War and the other a domestic terrorist thriller involving a physical attack on the local Electric Power Grid in the state of Wisconsin.

I have additional ideas for other feature film scripts that I plan to develop in the coming years as I move towards retirement in my current vocation.

I have leveraged Stage32’s suite of services on a number of levels. I was a quarter finalist in Stage32’s 1st Annual Action/Thriller Screenwriting Contest last year, which was an unexpected delight and a major boost to my confidence. I honestly did not expect to place in that competition.

To RB and the formidable staff at Stage32, you have been so supportive and responsible not only for keeping my creative ember glowing, but for all the Stage32 members of this awesome social media platform – It’s the best resource in the industry!

Stay inspired everyone and I will continue to stay hungry from Madison, Wisconsin,

Matt Falkowski

Richard "RB" Botto

This is a phenomenal IY post, Matt. Love the energy. So thrilled for all your success.

Also want to thank you for the kind words regarding the platform and my incredible staff. Means a great deal to me.

Jason Mirch

Thank you for your service, Matt Falkowski! That is really incredible. I love the enthusiasm and the way you're looking to use the services and community to move your projects forward. I recall your project from the 1st Annual Action/Thriller Contest and I think you're definitely onto something there! Keep developing and make sure to enter again next time. We also have our Fellowship competition running right now, which I am very excited about. You can get more information here:

Up to 5 winners get 6-months of mentoring by a pro who selects them. It is a fantastic opportunity that I hope you will explore.

Matt Falkowski

Thanks RB & Jason; most appreciated!

RB – You and your “A-Team” have developed and continue to foster an incredible service within the industry... And the service offerings your team has developed are just what this industry needs and personally, I really appreciate how affordable those services are to the Stage32 members - I’ve only had positive experiences with Stage32’s service offerings in this time of the “great content gold rush” so sincerely – Thank You!

For what it’s worth, I remember hearing your interview on Pilar Alessandra’s “On The Page” podcast, back in December of 2014. It was your no-nonsense practical approach to support and change how creatives from all walks of life can gain access and get involved in the industry that really struck a chord in me. I recall you stating to Pilar (paraphrasing) that you created Stage32 because LinkedIn is “where ideas go to die” … I couldn’t agree more and so I joined in early 2015. You and your dedicated team’s work has helped so many aspiring creatives feel like if you work at it and stay connected, then you have a fighting chance to win – Thanks for staying on the “arena floor” with us!

Jason – Likewise, the guidance you provided me during our Industry Executive call a year+ ago, on my thriller was (no doubt) instrumental in helping me with my re-write before I entered the 1st Annual Action/Thriller Screenwriting Contest last year. You gave me such prudent and realistic advice, that it really gave me a new perspective on how to approach the material – Thank You! Also, yes, I plan to re-enter the thriller contest this year and I did just enter the “2022/2023 Fellowship Competition” on Thursday (6/16) so

I’m looking forward to receiving my Feedback so that I can leverage the Re-submission option.

Best of luck to all the (Stage32) 2022/2023 Fellowship participants!

Debbie Fasenmyer

Thank You for your service! I grew up just outside of Chicago. I miss it. I need to get back up there. It's been over a decade since I visited! I moved to Florida 35 years ago. The plus is we're only a few hours away from the theme parks! Best of luck in your endeavors. :)

Billy Kwack

Hi Matt, how is the Manager life going? Are you looking for screenplays?

Richard "RB" Botto

You made my morning, Matt. Can't thank you enough for all the kind words and for being an advocate of everything we do here at Stage 32. I also appreciate you recognizing the work and effort that goes into running this platform. It takes a mighty team, and I'm fortunate to work with this crew every day. They are always thinking "member first", and try to nurture and help as many people in the community as possible on a daily basis.

Richard "RB" Botto

Should have added, I remember that Pilar interview well. I've done hundreds through the years, but that certainly was one of my favorites. Worth mentioning, I still feel the same way about LinkedIn ;)

Maurice Vaughan

It's great to meet you, Matt Falkowski. Congrats on being a quartefinalist! Your two screenplays sound interesting especially the domestic terrorist thriller involving a physical attack on the local Electric Power Grid in Wisconsin. Hope you find success with your projects!

Billy Kwack

Hi Matt, awesome

Christina Vazkez

Hi Matt, thats great!

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