Introduce Yourself : Commercial or narrative which is more fulfilling? by Vital Butinar

Vital Butinar

Commercial or narrative which is more fulfilling?

Hi everyone.

Hope you're having a great weekend.

I've been on Stage32 for a couple of years now.

I've always wanted to make films but lately I've had a chance to work on a couple of commercial projects and they're really fun but it got me thinking if commercial projects are as fulfilling as narrative projects?

Of course you always take some of what you do in one project onto another and I think that the companies that we worked with appreciate a more story oriented commercial video.

Anyway a couple of days ago the latest video came out and I really enjoyed directing this one because they were really happy with what we created.

I'm also writing a screenplay for a pilot episode for a tv show that we're in development of and a new screenplay for a movie.

I'm really excited about a music video that we shot just today and a short film we're shooting next week.

What is everyone working on these days?

Amanda Toney

Love this post Vital Butinar. I think no matter what you're shooting it's fulfilling. At the end of the day we get to tell stories through a lens, so whether it's a commercial, a feature, a short, or even just filming your dog, you're able to tap into creativity which makes you feel alive. At least you've got the balance of writing your tv pilot, too, to keep your mind racing - what's it about. Thank you for this intriguing post!

Matthew Kent

Hello, Vital! I am in the process of putting together a short film this month and hopefully premiering it at a few select film festivals. I have some other long-awaited projects put aside as well and as of now planning to attend Flim †rade school here in Michigan this fall.

Maurice Vaughan

I like the corporate video, Vital Butinar. I write both narrative stories and commercials. I think narrative stories are more fulfilling than commercials because you get to explore more characters, themes, and environments in narrative stories. I enjoy writing both though.

I'm finishing up a design job and pitching scripts. Hope you're doing well!

Vital Butinar

Thank you Amanda Toney. Oh I completely agree that there's always something of yours in your projects no matter what they may be. I've notice with my projects that I have a tenancy to always create some kind of story and I love it when I can do that.

Malian Jasmine Lahey

Probably if the reality can be made into an artistic cultural statement the two are actually similar.

Vital Butinar

Hi Matthew Kent! Oh that's cool. What kind of film is it. How long is the short going to be and about what? Good luck with the film festivals.

By the way can you elaborate a little about what Film Trade School is?

Vital Butinar

Hey Maurice Vaughan thank you very much. We worked hard but still not a fraction of how much on a film or something.

I think I prefer narrative too, but definitely don't mind the financial aspect of the commercial work.

Thanks for asking, we're actually doing a lot better and things have calmed down a little.

Vital Butinar

Nice one Malian Jasmine Lahey ! I agree and I think I try to do that with my projects whatever they are. That way I like working on them.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Vital Butinar.

Rosemond Perdue

Congrats on the finished commercial!

Vital Butinar

Thank you Rosemond Perdue :)

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