Hello fellow screenwriters. I hope the stories are coming along well and you’re having fun writing. I’m interested in forming a writers group for animated features and features in general. I’m thinking using zoom but I’m open to any other programs. Currently I have myself and another fellow writer interested. If you’re interested let me know. Once I get a few people we can organise things and start out and go from there. I think this would be a great chance to meet fellow writers and get valuable feedback for our scripts. Let me know what you think.
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Hi Marvin Younathin, I am a screenwriter in the making. I have a good sense of humor and very much value good storytelling. I am currently writing several features one of which is animated. That is a long shot. I am looking for other writers to critique my work or scenes and will do so in return.
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Thorn Dagron that sounds great! Just need a few more people and we can start this writers group. It's still in the making, but will happen soon. Glad you are interested. I will keep you updated.
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Hi, I am interested in having discussion on writing animation comedies. Let's form a Zoom group. I am in!
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Hey Marvin. I commented on Joshua's post, but I figured I'd mosey on over and do the same. I'm definitely interested in forming some sort of writing group. I have no preference on programs. Actually most of the feedback I've given/been given has been through email. So I'm not picky.
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Thorn Dagron Wardaan T Lisa Lee that sounds great. I have one other fellow writer interested as well as myself. I thought about it and zoom may not as efficient for giving feedback, but would still be useful. I was thinking we could use a combination of a program like google docs (which we can comment on) and zoom if people are interested in using it. I will figure out all the details and keep you all posted. In the meantime feel free to invite others to this discussion post.
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Looking forward to it. I guess we will have to figure out the time zones as we are all over the world
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I am from Vancouver Canada Pacific Standard Time
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As we are in different time zones, Zoom seems to be a bit difficult option, and as Marvin said, we can try google docs.
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We could try a combination of skype and Monday.com. I believe Monday.com is free. I just created an account for script sharing. Or use Zoom. Whatever works best
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Thorn Dagron can you tell me a little about Monday.com it looks a little like more for businesses. How does the file sharing work? I have only ever used google docs. I hadn't thought about Skype, that would work too.
Jane Wild 100% we are just figuring out the best method for script sharing and feedback and we will get things started as soon as possible.
Options we have so far
- Monday.com
- Google docs which I don't mind sharing and create a folder for using my gmail
- Zoom
- Skype
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I am new to Monday.com myself. Yes, it is for office but it does have the ability to share documents where multiple people can make adjustments to that same document at the same time allowing for sharing and making feedback immediately. I have used google docs and in order for it to work, the original user needs to send permission to everyone to be able to make adjustments beyond just reading.
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I just recently found an app for online collaboration designed for screenwriters it is called Arcstudiopro.com. The free version only allows up to two scripts at a time and everyone would need to create an account. I haven't used it yet but it looks promising.
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"I was thinking we could use a combination of a program like google docs (which we can comment on) and zoom if people are interested in using it." I like that idea, Marvin Younathin. Arcstudiopro looks great too, Thorn Dagron.
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Thorn Dagron that is a fair point. Most important thing is to start and try things out, see how it goes. I will take a look at Monday.com and we can go from there. I appreciate all the suggestions by the way. Thank you for your input. Would have never thought of these options.
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Hey everyone. I am so glad you are all interested in this writers group. As I mentioned to Thorn Dragon I will take a look at Monday.com and we can go from there. Best thing is to start as soon as possible. I have quite a bit going on this weekend. But, this writers group will happen for sure. Will need a few days to check out Monday.com and set up a Zoom room. I will keep you all updated.
In the meantime I suggest adding each other to your networks on Stage 32 and checking each others loglines on your profiles, start the collaboration early on. I am eager to work with you all and hopefully we can improve our scripts to become the best they can be.
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Cool, Marvin Younathin. I'm swamped with projects this week and probably next, so I'll join as soon as I'm free. Have a great rest of the weekend, everyone.
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Hey everyone. I just downloaded Monday.com and I believe it will be great for our writers group. I also created a Zoom account so we can organise zoom calls if needed. If you all can signup for Monday.com (It is free which is awesome), and send me your names in this chat I can add you all to the group and we can start sharing documents. Also if you haven't got a zoom account I'd suggest downloading that too.
In the meantime I will check out the features on Monday.com while I wait for your names to come through. I'm glad we've got the ball rolling with this group. Let me know those details and we can go from there.
Update: just read the limitations of the free plan and apparently only 2 members can use it at a time. That’s pretty bad haha. Want to try Google docs everyone?
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Thorn Dagron we may have to use Google docs in the end. Monday.com only allows for 2 members. I don’t mind setting up a Google docs account. Just will need to add everyone.
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Hi Marvin Younathin, Not a problem.
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Google Docs works for me.
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Hey everyone. I have set up a google docs folder for the writers group. If you can check it out that would be great. Sent links in private chats. Once everyone is in and ready to go we will go from there.
I have a couple questions for you all that I would like to get your opinion on:
1 - Do you prefer a set system for reading scripts, or should we go with the flow? I want to see what you all think. I want to set up a system, but will need to figure out the details. I'd really appreciate some input on this one.
2 - How often do you all want to conduct Zoom calls and for how long do you want these calls to be? I was thinking once a month or every 2 weeks for about 2 hours but I am open to suggestions.
3 - Do you have any suggestions on how we should organise scripts reads as per question 1.
Please let me know. I'd really appreciate it. I am super glad this writers group is gaining momenteum!
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Random ideas:
1 - I think there should be one script per session so that the entire session is focused on one piece. It might be useful for the author to include (in their Google Doc w/ the script) questions they hope to be answered ("is it funny enough?" "does act 2 drag?" "did you believe the plot?" etc) by the session
2 - I'd vote for 2 hours every two weeks. If there aren't enough scripts coming into the queue then it can back off to a monthly session.
3 - There should be a google spreadsheet with the schedule so that when someone has a script ready, they can add it to the queue (so columns for the date, the author, the genre, and a link to the script). Adding a script to the queue is a commitment that it is ready and you can't take it back :)
4 - there should probably have a system for RSVPing so there is some idea of how many people are coming to a session. If there's not a quorum then the session can be cancelled.
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Hey Jon. Thank you for your input. I love those ideas. I'll see what others have to say, but this might be a good direction to take things. Once we get everyone in we can see what works best.
Also to add to my list of questions. Lisa mentioned WriterDuet as a possible software we can use for collaboration. I'm open to anything really. So, if the majority prefer WriterDuet we can use that. Let me know how you want us to go about it. Maybe we can start off with google docs and see how it goes and then transition to something else. Or we can use both to be honest. Which isn't a bad idea.
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Hi Jon. I think your suggestions are great.
I think Marvin's idea of using both WriterDuet and Google Docs, is a really good idea. WriterDuet lets you leave comments in specific places, so that could be super useful for certain comments/suggestions that are location based. Like if a character's name and dialogue accidentally run together or if a specific action line is either really great or really off tone, etc...
As for zoom, every other week (most of them anyway) I have free hours during the weekdays. Idk if that will be helpful for anyone else's schedule, but I thought I'd put it out there.
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I agree with Jon's ideas, but two hours on one script might be too long. Maybe two scripts per Zoom meeting.
I mainly use Final Draft 12, but I have WriterDuet as a backup, so WriterDuet is fine with me.
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Lisa Lee I think we will go with using both. I think it will work out great.
Lots of good inputs from you all, I really appreciate it. Jon makes a really good point regrading RSVPing regarding the zoom calls. I’m think along with this we can use an app for a group chat, like discord for example. I don’t know what’s best to use if anyone has recommendations. In the meantime if you haven’t already got it, can you all download writers duet. I’ll make sure to add those details in the Google docs as well.
Let’s go with 2 scripts every 2 weeks for now and see how we go. And remember don’t forget the app suggestions for a group chat. Will make things easy for RSVPing. Stage 32 is a bit difficult for communication, especially when it’s with a lot of writers.
Once we get these final few things sorted we can start zoom and feedback sessions. I’ll get everything sorted out on my end tomorrow. Also if you have any scripts ready keep them in mind once we finalise things and afterwards we can start filling the registry. Once again thank you all for such great feedback and input. It has helped me a lot to get things sorted.
Ps. Apologies for the late replies by the way. Have been busy with a few things so communication has been a little slow haha.
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I have a feature animation I'm co-writing and we're trying to get setup so things can start moving forward when it's finished.
I would love an area to connect with feature animation people, especially people with tips on getting scripts in the right hands.
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Hey Marvin a discord channel may be a better environment to build a group
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Hello Chris Donald Griffin, with talent everything is adaptable :) Writing for animation is a particular beast. A good storyboard can be built upon.
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I am all for it. I have this sci-fi script; abductions, revolts, battles in space. I was advised to go the animation route as it is too expensive to produce.
So I will be following this group. Thanks
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Hey Robert. Discord is a great idea. Everyone else ok with using Discord for arranging meetings and chatting? It is a decent chat program you can use on mobile and computer. Let me know. I can make the server if you want Robert. I am familiar with it and can add all the necessary channels?
Hey Peter. Sounds awesome. I'll keep you updated.
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Discord works. I use it now. I'm in the ScriptCamp and Script Hive servers on Discord. If Discord doesn't work out, we could find a different program.
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Discord works for me too. I use it for Script Hive and I have a small sibling server that we'd set up to test out video chatting.
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I am familiar with Discord and ok with using it.
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That works out great then! I have discord for some other servers. Great to hear. I’ll set up a server and send that through to everyone. We can chat on there and use it to arrange meeting times and so on. I haven’t heard of the Script Hive Server. Can someone send me the link to it? I’ll keep you all updated.
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Script Hive https://discord.com/invite/screenwriting
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Fantastic Marvin, send it along when you are ready... ladies and gentlemen a·dieu and Au revoir.
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Hi Marvin, I do work with Discord, I use whats app and Skype . Besides, I finished an animation and I;;m seeking for collaboration. As my animation will be made in my hometown,, Groningen, the filmmaker Stefan Vellinga and I are seeking for people who like to work with us on this animation, like artist, actors for voices, sound designer, music composers. It´s about; A team of ocean-saving scientists get involved in the world-wide revolt of marine animals until the team put themselves in danger through their row about a monstrous shark and they struggle to find a way out.Maybe there´s interest to work with us on this project,? you can send me a direct message or email me ; leotien@gmail.com
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This sounds great! I'd like to participate. I haven't written animation yet, but it's a huge part of my interest, especially musical animations (features) and educational animations (series).
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Hey, Marvin, I´ve to make a correction. I only use whats app and Skype for chatting. So can I still participate?
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Hey Leotien. For sure no problem but primarily we will be using discord for chatting and arranging feedback sessions and so on. Discord is fairly easy to use and sign up for. If you like I can help you out navigating Discord? It's basically like what's app but a different app. Let me know and I'd be happy to help.
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Hey, I'm interested if you're still accepting people
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Hey Marvin, I think I can try to sign up for discord on my desktop. On my I phone, is not possible because I´ve no access to internet
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Hey, Sy Shanti, great to hear you want to join us. I have left a message on the voice mail of the filmmaker but he has not replied yet. We´re still seeking for artists who are good at drawing, voice actors. etc. you can email me leotien@gmail.com . Then I can already send you more information of the animation. .
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Thank you Leotien Parlevliet , will do
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Hey Leotien and Sy. For sure you can join. Also I can post any major updates on here and on discord just in case anyone misses it. We use Google Drive as well, so I am planning to put a schedule on there too. I will send you both the details.
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Hey Marvin. that´s okay. I´ve not signed up for discord yet. As for Google Drive which is used for sending big files, I always make use of We Transfer for free.
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By the way, Marvin, I´ve a LINUX system which might be an obstacle to have access to discord.
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Hey Marvin Younathin, cool look forward to it
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Hey Leotien. Hmm I did check and LINUX might be a problem as it can't run discord. Regarding google drive it shouldn't be a problem as I will be sending you the link to my drive which I have shared with the group, so you should be able to access it without any issues. If you want I can send you the google drive details for now and see if I can organise a what's app group for those who don't have discord? I'm sure everyone else won't mind and that way we can make the communication easier.
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Hey Marvin, I think if you send me the link to your google drive will do and organizing an app group will be a good idea..
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Hey Leotien. No worries at all. I've been thinking of some alternatives and will keep you updated. I would like to send the link via messages if that's possible, you just need to add me to your network. I sent you a request. Just trying to keep the link private for those really interested in the group.
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Hey Marvin, I just added you to my network and sent you a message on your wall, I´m glad to hear that there alternatives and I look forward to watching the link.
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HI Sy Shanti, I just got a phone call from the filmmaker, Stefan Vellinga
He was very pleased and told me that he wants to hear from you and to give you his email address so that you can get in touch with him.The address is; stefanhendrikvellinga@gmail.comThen, you will hear from him.back. Besides, I haven´t heard from you yet to send you some material.?
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Hey Leotien Parlevliet, check your spam folder. I sent you an email the same day you asked me to
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Hey Shanti, I´m sorry then I missed it because I removed al the mail in my spam filter yesterday., Can you email me again. leotien@gmail.com
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Is everybody already working on discord?
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Hey Leotien. Discord is just for general chat and organising zoom calls and uploading files etc. I’ll update you when we have calls and there are any important events. I’ll keep you updated. I’ll figure out something with Skype. I’m sure I can figure something out.
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We will find a way :-)
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Hey Leotien. I messaged you on stage 32. I think I have it figured out. Turns out we can zoom and have someone join via Skype. So we good to go!!!
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Leotien could this help? discord.gg/discord-linux
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Also, I posted a link for Marvin and sent you a test invite to pumble to see if that is a viable alternative for you guys.
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Hey Robert, thanks of course I can try but Marvin had already found out that Linux does not support Discord. Besides, I didn see that test invite.
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Hey Robert, is it the idea that I sign in to pumble to find your test invite? I haven´t heard form Marvin yet. As for the discord-linux link, this one is for basic use only for free, So, I´ve my doubts to subscribe to that alternative..