Having spent the last couple years working exclusively on the craft of screenwriting I've finally reached a level of confidence in my writing that I feel it's worthwhile to try and put out. So far that's been the goal for 2022, trying to get the work into the hands of professionals and take in stride whatever comes from that.
All my scripts are television, either drama or drama/sci-fi. Hoping to use what I've created as samples to get representation and/or staffed. Star Wars is my jam and Marvel's a close second. Happy to help where I can so don't be afraid to reach out!
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Sounds exciting!
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Great post, Michael. Sounds like your confidence is rising and you're taking control of your destiny. Nothing better.
How's it going, Michael Vashon Harris? I saw this on your profile: "On the way he's survived the Army, customer service, and the hospitality industry..." Sounds like it would be a great Drama series or a funny Comedy show.
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Awesome post and great to be connected, Michael. So happy that you’re in a confident creayive groove!
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Welcome to the family. @stage32
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Hey Michael! Welcome to Stage 32! This is such a great way to connect and build relationships to level up your writing career. There are so many ways to go about it too. Happy to help! Cheers, GiGi
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To get your work into the hands of professionals - get on sets, work hard, be professional, give more than take.
Build relationships (people getting to know you), and eventually they'll ask to see your scripts.
It's a marathon, not a sprint.