Greetings everyone, I am the writer of a twelve-part science fiction series called "Destroying Decrot". It is about a planet's defense army and how they must defend their home world from a different menace in each installment. There are spaceship battles, super-powered martial arts fighting, monsters, a meddling galactic federation, rebels, terrorists, and ancient dragons.
This is a dream I have had since I've been a kid and I've been pursuing this since 2004. The first three volumes exist as self-published novels and I have the screenplay for Volume One. The story bible details all pivotal moments and character arcs in each of the twelve volumes. To me, it is mostly about sharing the story with the world and not so much about making bank.
So if anyone here has any advice or thoughts they could share, please do so. If this sounds like a project you would get behind, please contact me. I really hope to get this done some day. "Destroying Decrot" has all the potential of becoming a space epic.
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Sounds epic Jeffrey! I like the cover art. This sounds like it would be well complemented by graphic novel style pitch deck elements!
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The cover looks cool.
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The only advice I'm qualified to give is to keep going. If it's a dream, a passion, then go for it. Don't let anyone or anything take it away from you. Also, find creatives who can support and guide you. And make sure you can trust them. They have to be able to say anything to you and you have to be able to rely on what they tell you. Learn as you go, be humble and always be grateful for any step you take, no matter how small, toward your goals.
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Drew, Sebastian and Matthew thank you so much for the advice. I truly appreciate it. This is something that is truly being pursued.
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@Jeffrey You already got the novel and now a script, I’d build to make it a bigger eco system of content as a Transmedia project. Great idea from @Drew above comment on graphic comic. There are also audio possibilities and put out on instagram, facebook, blog, podcast etc. (Or find someone else social media savvy.) Make small stories from larger episodes as novelettes. Expand into children’s fiction re cycling main concept with new material. There are many free platforms too.
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@Debbie Thank you so much for the advice. I am actually going to be working on the audiobooks soon. Thanks for expanding the vision.
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Hello! Destroying Decrot sounds like an exciting series!!! I already saw your 3 volumes on Amazon, looking pretty cool! I have a couple of pieces of advice with the book's covers.
First, the font. It looks pretty cool and related to the series, but is hard to read. With an invented name like "Decrot", people will have more trouble trying to read the book's title. My favorite sci-fi font is "Good Times", it's for commercial use and you can edit it, making it fantastic for creating logos for series. If you want more types of fonts you can search 1001 Fonts or Creative Fabrica have interesting and free options. A good way to know what font is easy to read is to ask people who have no idea of the project to read the title and see how much time they take to read it.
Having a hard Font for the title it makes more difficult to read when it's tiny. The size helps people know what to read first and where to continue, which confuses when you see your cover on Amazon. A really good example is what you did on this cover. You know exactly that "Destroying Decrot" is more important than the rest. I would have your name smaller and with a non-decorative font. Generally in books, the size is "Title– Author – Name of the series" or "Name of the series – Author – Title".
As an artist, I just have these 2 little pieces of advice to help your story. I hope it helps you grow your project, it looks really really good!
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Thank You so much Isadora, I will definitely look into it soon!
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@Isadora I took you advice into deep consideration and remade the covers with better fonts. Thank You so much, I've been suspecting the need for this but never got honest feedback on it. So I really appreciate you input. Thank again.
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Jeffrey Gonell It looks great! I wish you the best with your project!
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Project looks really cool, Jeffrey! Nice work.
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I like the new covers, Jeffrey Gonell!
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@Isidora @Matthew @Maurice THANK YOU so very much, guys. I truly wish to share this space opera story with the world!
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You're welcome, Jeffrey Gonell.
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Your project looks cool and you've done a great job.
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Thank You so much, Arthur!!