Screenwriting : OWA Submissions by Lee Griffin

Lee Griffin

OWA Submissions

How long does it normally take for OWA submissions to be chosen/rejected after the closing date? I have limited funds and I can’t afford the Stage32 subscription fee indefinitely. I’m afraid to stop because my submission will be dropped but I might need a break from the subscription soon (I’d be back as soon as I can spare the cash again btw). I will stick around as long as I can but it would be good to know a rough lead time if possible.

Maurice Vaughan

I'm not sure, Lee Griffin, but you can contact Molly Peck (

Amazing Kacee

Lee Griffin Is the submission you sent, was it verified by Molly as not all of them are sent - as they go through Jason Mirch first to make sure they are professional then they are sent, so verify with Molly Peck that yours was sent? Best of Luck

Lee Griffin

Thanks guys… I’ll contact Molly.

Marcus Leighton

Lee, I submitted to an OWA on February 3rd and got the pass on June the 3rd. I did get an update somewhere between it had been sent on to the company and they were reviewing submissions. I will say this, and please don't take my word on it cause it may have been a fluke, but I was no longer a member of the Writer's Room when I got my pass on the project. Maybe you can check in with someone at Stage 32 to clarify the rules on that. I also expected my project to have been dropped since my membership lapsed.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lee Griffin.

Yes, the OWA's pay, Dan MaxXx.

Lee Griffin

Thanks Marcus, maybe it’s only subject to you paying the subscription until it’s been passed on the the production company. I will ask Molly that too

Lee Griffin

And… Dan, I think you get paid…. If you get the job

Jason Mirch

Hey Lee Griffin - thanks for posting and I am sorry to hear about your financial situation. Reach out to me at - perhaps there is something that can be done. I will look for your email.

Lee Griffin

Hi Jason, I did reach out by email… I know you probably get a ton of emails but I wonder… it might have landed in your junk folder… anyway, I thought I’d drop you a line here just in case. Many thanks, Lee

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