Hi Y'all, I'm Simon
At the beginning of the year I had high hopes of selling a screenplay. I had four out with execs/producers after successful pitches and was actively writing for a fifth producer who had actors looking for a script to finance/act within. Now, we're half way through the year, I'm no further forward and, I'll be honest, I was all for throwing in the towel.Then I remembered why I write. Sure, selling a script, seeing something I wrote on the silver screen would be amazing. A dream come true and perhaps more importantly for me, validation and recognition as a writer, but why I write?
I love to tell a story.
So, doing what I love, I wrote a screen adaptation of my favourite book Hungry as the Sea. I called it GOLDEN and it's is complete. I also completed a screenplay for my fifth Producer called DOUBLE CROSS, and I am just a few pages away from completing my latest family movie screenplay The O'Brien's Cowboy Adventure.
Next, I'm going to brush off a screenplay I started last year - The Dolls House, which is 3/4 complete and then I think I'm going to try my hand at something spookie.
Thanks for listening.
A Story Teller
Now that's the heart of a true writer. One who knows why they put pen to paper, fingertip to keyboard. The journey itself is the reward. Keep pushing Simon and best of luck to you!