Screenwriters create their work for different reasons. My first goal is to engage the reader and develop screenplays that can be made into films. Therefore, I’ve made compromises, and not everything I’ve written has the same level of artistic merit.
1) What drives you forward to write screenplays?
2) Is your first goal artistic or commercial?
3) How do you choose your topic?
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I write stories that I would like to see and want to share with others like me.
My goal is to create stories that are true to me, but commercial. This feeds off point one. Must be commercial if others are going to see it.
I sometimes (90%) start with an idea or a premise. Then I think of scenarios and genres that I could use to tell the story.
1) What drives you forward to write screenplays? I write scripts because it's exciting/fun, I write scripts to help people/change things in society, and I write scripts to make income.
2) Is your first goal artistic or commercial? Commercial. I write in a more commercial way than artistic.
3) How do you choose your topic? I have different ways of choosing topics. Sometimes I choose a topic because I think it's what people need to see at the time. Sometimes I choose a topic because it's something I want to see as a movie. Sometimes I choose a topic to explore a theme. Etc.
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I'll invert your sequence. Firstly #3 - I don't choose a topic. Some topic from some random issue chooses me. It can (and often does) strike out of the blue and it just resonates with me for no known reason. # 2, I am only driven by the artistic/moral content - commercial use is not even in the mix. # 1, 'what derives me' ? I don't really know - perhaps it's because of a lack of a good provocative hobby. And I don't care either.
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Right now? Possibility of $$ prize and getting script produced within the contest I'm currently engaged with...
Later on? Possibility of $$ income and getting script produced...
25 years from now? Possibility of $$ income and getting script produced...
Meantime? Love it and good at it...
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1) What drives you forward to write screenplays?
- fun of making something, giving something a voice, way of telling stories that might help someone, giving back that something I got from watching others made ( that oh, I ain't alone in this or something like that )
2) Is your first goal artistic or commercial?
- if possible both
3) How do you choose your topic?
- depends on why, what or where my motivation is. :)
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FEAR! Fear is a very, very powerful motivator if you know how to look at your fear and use it properly.
Fear? Fear of failure or fear of success?
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I write to keep myself close to my brothers. We've written eighteen feature screenplays together, but no sales. Still waiting for the secret script fairy to sprinkle dust on me.